
Didn’t we already have a video game that was inspired by Heart of Darkness?

The academy hates anime. Frankly, they hate anything that isn’t Disney, meaning Zootopia is pretty much guaranteed to win.

any excuse to post this:

I wouldn’t wait for update. I think people are expecting some big update thats gonna change the chapter, but I’m pretty sure all thats gonna be added is an extra cut scene of something. The chapter really isn’t that bad, its the pinnacle of 1st world gamer problems.

That response time is pure gold. I like.

Oh, that’s beautiful. Lord GabeN is king troll

portal 3 confirmed.

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

If anything I could see something like Ciri’s story in Witcher 3; where you play as Zelda and learn about the trials She has gone through in the time since Link has been away. It would be a great way to let players use her with out interfering with Link’s story, and it would allow for some exposition regarding the


alternate headline:

I’m going to need to go through and read this--but prior to diving in, I have to wonder if they’ll address the shift away from what was then titled the Ultra 64 to what would become the Sony Playstation; I still have the old issue of Nintendo Power containing shots of what appeared to be Locke, Terra, and Shadow in

Fixed issue whereby body parts would sometimes remain suspended in mid-air after an enemy exploded.

The Second Season does import over. If you played Second Season on PS3, it was recently patched so that you can upload that save and bring it over to PS4

I can’t answer your question but feel compelled to complement your choice of nickname anyways.

It is literally a game where you pick characters from a roster and make them fight one another.

Please tell me more about my imported copy of Ni No Kuni on Nintendo DS I’ve had for 6 years