Whatever you thought of the finale, we can all agree that “The Constant” is one of the greatest hours of television ever created.
Whatever you thought of the finale, we can all agree that “The Constant” is one of the greatest hours of television ever created.
Great overview of House of Leaves, Control, Anatomy (spoilers for all)
“This is not for you”
Everyone will be responsible if they don’t announce the Remastered Mother Trilogy
please watch the next nintendo direct . . .
They need to find some way to justify overpriced GPUs, constantly updating drivers, replacing CPUs, and all other junk they have to deal out instead of, y'know, just buying a console once every five to six years
Yep. Blows my mind how many people just can’t seem to understand why it would be SUPREMELY cool to play a game as dense as TW3 in your hands.
Like when it was a book? The video games were not first. And this series is based on the books, not the games.
Awesome comment
I mean, you could just keep playing the original. I was impressed by the combat on this.
Cool stuff. But on a sidenote to Mr. Boon and friends: Mileena or bust. And hey, since we’re doing more time travel stuff, that’s one more potential handwave along with the other numerous potential handwaves to deal with her “death” in MKX.
This isn’t at all the same situation. This is designed to stop leakers from leaking the game’s ending ahead of launch, and was prompted by other parts of the game being leaked last month.
I will bet like $50 that this is gonna come to PS4/X1 at some point.
Friendly reminder that not everyone wants to deal with your nerd box.
You lost me at “boring f-ing game.”
"It's time to leave this corner of the Northwest for good. Or is it for good? (Yeah, it probably is.)"