
all great points. I would just add that commute distance also plays a large part in this. I have a 3 mile commute. If I don't let my car idle and get up to proper operating temps, the condensated water in the oil never gets hot enough to leave. Also, not letting your alternator recharge the battery during short drives

I want to know about the back seat. I must confess that I really like the looks of the car. There was a black one on the local lot that I drooled over every time I passed it. It seems like it would be a nice replacement for my MK6 GTI with a slight concession in the luggage area for a little more of a grown-up car.

They are good workhorse pens, but I would say a far cry from a preferable writing instrument. I always scrape some up when I can, because they tuck nicely into uniforms and are easy to carry. They aren't all that superb at writing, and I am nearly positive they won't write in zero gravity, since the ink cartridge is

I'm a teacher, and as such I go through a lot of pens. I have used throwaway pens, free pens, even pricey Fisher and Parker pens, and they are all child's play compared to Papermate Profile Elite pens. They are pricey, but I will write with nothing else nowadays. They are the smoothest writing pens I have ever used.

I always thought the term was poetic, because the Swiss army knife is basically the most neutered knife ever developed. It is purchased so cub scouts can butter their toast on camping trips. You aren't going to actually assault or kill anything with it, or really do anything requiring a traditional military blade. In

Unfortunately, the carbureted hack costs even less.

Good point, but you would be a stud muffin if you could cut brake lines with a razor blade.

I can sleep well tonight. Interesting.

I'd like to see the article if you can find it. Not that I don't believe you, but I would enjoy seeing a back to back like that.

The real hidden gem here is that these vehicles have reportedly "outlived their purpose" and were designed, built and fielded just seven years ago. The tank that I hitched a ride into the invasion of Iraq on was built in the early 80's, and we used M88's and DUCE AND A HALFS from 'Nam. Lots of them.

Who is building

Any MP car, ever.

Robocop better not think he is getting out of this one scot-free.


Hmmm... now you guys have me thinking... I have always shunned CVT's in any form, and have come to the realization that my wife HATES driving stick shifts, thus the need for me to settle on some sort of automatic. I am in love with VW's DSG in my GTI, but now we are looking at a larger car and I am not too giddy

In any case, this is an incredibly stupid way to handle it. If this is a drug bust or street racing car, they just flushed a whole bunch of free revenue down the toilet.

What infuriates me more than the invasion of privacy is the fact that my tax money is funding this bullshit.

My #1 rub with Subaru is that damn soccer mom CVT transmission they are using now. I know real men drive manuals, but my wife hates them. Subaru needs a DSG option. That is basically what drew me over to the VW GTI.

I really don't like the round "retro" looking center horn/ airbag that so many cars seem to be going with now. Granted, I am a child of the 80's-90's, and grew up with the god-awful gen1 airbag wheels that looked like a cinder block, but I think the round centerpiece makes it look like something out of the stone age.

I think he should have just manned up and sacrificed his own thumb in the demonstration. You know, for science.

That's so funny I forgot to laugh.