
To change the topic a bit....Would a woman call a man a creep if he was super handsome and hunky? I mean just your type of man, so to say. He could be too foward and all that but having the advantage of looks to go with it. I doubt he would be called a creep. I'm just wondering, not trolling or anything of the sort.

Are you serious? A fraking basketball game? Most of us play video games to get away from sports. Also if you say Best Games for the PS3 you should stick to games that are exclusive to the PS3, this title is very misleading.

Amazing photos. It reminded me of the route I took a few weeks back with my group. Lots of twisties going up the mountain to a brand new tunnel crossing inside the mountain itself. It turned out the tunnel wasn't finished and ready for the public but we got permission to pass. It shaved about 1 1/2of driving time just

NO! Most, people still want the option of buying it separately. Jumping the gun and forcing it on consumers is a big NO and NO!

I agree! Testing out products like this improves and evolves technology. Not all people like carrying multiple devices . I have a galaxy S3 and a Galaxy Camera that I carry along with me all the time. And it would be cheaper for people that are constant photo snappers just to buy one device that serves multiple

Oh man, That type of life sounds wonderful. Here back home I work freelance and pretty much work for myself no schedules but always at a constant work grind in the middle of the city. It really cuts into my gaming lifestyle. I'd love to be able to drive out to mountains., which I do once in awhile with my motorcycle

I can just imagine 3d penises everywhere. You can't stop what the future holds for us, it's inevitable.

I love it. You are not alone my friend, I really dig the proof of concept.

While it is true that most core gamers like us wont give this thing a second thought. But, there is a market for this. Core gamers that have their own families who would like to share their passion with their children and extended families. Or just family oriented people who want to buy their kids some interactive

It does not matter if it comes here late. Most of XBoxOne features would be useless here anyway. Also, the farther away and the longer it takes for the console to get to Asian hackers/modders the better for MS.

As a collector and an avid gamer, I thank you for this article Brian, It sums up everything I feel about this issue.

Because its cheaper to buy PC games. Now if PC games were sold at 60$ all the time regardless of age with only a 30% depreciation, with no publishers packs for less than a price of a new game, 10$ and 5$ sales, PC gamers would be in an uproar.

You have valid points, I too have the same outlook about not sharing or giving away games, but most of the gaming population still care about ownership. Putting down 60$ for a game might be cheap for some but not everyone. In essence the X1 is saying buy our games for 60$ but you don't really own it, its a rental you

You are absolutely right. I've been thinking of the same thing. Everybody has their complaints about the XBoxDone but maybe deep down in our subconscious it all boils down to this fact, That we pay good money for these games and your telling us you are loosing money which is utterly ridiculous. and now you would like

Really? Delusional much? Can you do actual work with the PS4? The PC isn't just for gaming. Please compare only if you can be productive and perhaps make a good living out of using the PS4, like making documents, photoshop, zbrush,maya, graphics, rendering and coding...if the PS4 can do just two on that very short

Stop trolling PC enthusiasts, that snark of yourse makes you sound juvenile. If you can't afford this system then don't buy it. And there is no need for you to comment on it because obviously you can't afford it or atleast appreciate its innate value. These people vote with their wallet so stop sounding like an

Yes, throwing a hissy fit and stomping or yelling at a bunch of people that you wanna be included will work...Not! Well at least that's how regular people perceive this article. Who wants to deal with that kind of baggage? If this was a playground, no one would like to play with you. Oh and expect to be ridiculed

Yes I agree. The voice seems out place and is trying too hard.

I don't get people that just let companies such as this get away with crap like this. Don't people remember the basic principle of when you pay for something with your hard earned cash, that its yours and you can do whatever you want to do with it after. That fact you can bring it with you to another location and play

Why do people keep thinking that a gaming PC only does gaming? We do all sorts of stuff with our Gaming Rigs. Their are other forms of entertainment to be done on it also Actual Work and productivity, Can you do that with a console? And Instant savings on steam sales helps a lot to make up for the supposed loss.