
Yes they do, FFS Gizmodo exists, Kotaku exists.

People don’t read into the manufacturing process of their iPhone.

The scenery looks pretty, but the animations and character models are bad, and the voice acting and writing is inconsistent at best, and really awful at times. It makes the whole experience come across like you’re watching a CW drama acted out entirely by creepy sex dolls.

Problem? You know nothing

Not to be confused with Mypos, homeland of this guy:

I've always pictured Steam like this.

if everyone would just go out and drop $500 for a kinect, then why does MS have to shove it down our throats by forcing us to buy one with the Xbone?

Get it? get it?

I have a few rules for internet commentary.

Haven't seen an example, eh?

have fun playing games at 480i at 15fps then.

Ultimate Facepalm!

pfffft this is it's true form!

Let's not bring logic into this, okay?

Exactly. And anyone who sits there and tries to tell us that "mobile is gaming's future" is merely attempting to get us to buy into the hype, only to have us spending money on that 80-90% failure rate, the antithesis of this absurd success rate.