
Exciting times! I've never been this excited since the rumors for the Playstation 2.

Yep. Thats The only thing that brought me here.

IMHO, The lack of LAN support is the problem. Regular people that would like to play on LAN can't and these people are the one's who watch tournaments. If they can't play it properly why bother watching other people play it? in the end more people will play this damned game if there was support for LAN. Monetizing the

Its not just because of the huge savings in labor costs. Its several factors, but mainly its because N.America has simply no facilities, infrastructure and most of all, thousands of engineers to deploy for such an undertaking.

Sounds like he is a card carrying member of NO MA'AM (National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood) - Grandmaster Al Bundy would be proud!

OMG people! A thought provoking article and all you guys filtered out of it was the value of WASD in gaming. I'm sorry Katie, It seems now that you've still got an uphill battle for women in gaming up ahead. Male gamer FAIL!

Most of you are probably to young to remember TOBAL and TOBAL2 for the Playstation. an RPG with Fighting game elements. I don't know if they released a US version of the game but I had a lot of fun back then, spent hours just finding out what menu I'm at on the Japanese version. It was a pretty good game at the time

Some might call it exploitation. But he seems to be having a lot of fun. Look at that face. I feel happy for him. I can just imagine him telling stories by the campfire, surrounded by his future grand kids. A story about a far off land, where he got to travel in a giant metallic bird that flew up into the sky. and

Is it me or does RAEL look like "RUFUS" from Bill and Ted?

Ugh the VGA awards... I do hope that this years VGA awards be better than that train wreck of a show last year. Cross marketing here, there and everywhere. it was like the show had one focus. to sell stuff. Not Award people that matter in the industry.

We need to look at it from a different angle and see that Perfection is relative to the viewer. It just happened that most professional reviewers decided that skyrim is the ideal RPG of this generation. They just had tons of fun and was blown away by the gameplay regardless of its graphical, technological short

Good job Kotaku! Whats next? Hard Gay Contra or Hard Double Gay Dragon?