Maybe it’s possible she was in on the plans? My sister and her fiance had their engagement mapped out well before they actually got around to it.
Maybe it’s possible she was in on the plans? My sister and her fiance had their engagement mapped out well before they actually got around to it.
She’s on her back with her legs in the air. In the UK, we consider that saucy at least.
The Pope is elected.
This guy needs a job doing colour commentary somwhere.
A guy I knew once told me that I reminded him of Pauline, and to this day I don’t know whether he was trying to genuinely compliment me or neg me.
Product of his time and place behaves like product of his time and place. So shocking.
I was naive enough to think it’d stay anonymous, and I was wrong = B-But consequences are for other people!!
But god forbid a woman has a preference....
So, if you accept that they didn’t believe it was a bomb but a hoax bomb (for the sake of argument... ~eye roll~), shouldn’t even the slightest whiff of a possible bomb have made them evacuate or something? Because as a parent of any other kid in that school, I’d be very concerned about their response to that.
who is shocked that children have stopped calling parents by their last names.
Yes, and that’s part of the problem.
NGL, I like really big guys. Like mountain huge. And it’s not because I like feeling smaller (I’m 5’2”, I don’t need to be next to anyone to feel short) it s because I get off on strength - theirs and mine, and I love a good natured tussling.
Re: Lost in the Sauce - I think what’s happening here is she’s a lesbian, but she seems to be surrounded by people who want her not to be. And that can be one hell of a pressure on a person.
Back when I didn’t have a choice about going to Mass or not, my Mum had me all signed up for it - I was a reader (boo, because I had to dress up,) a Eucharistic Minister (another dressing up boo) and in the choir, which was great because I like singing and I could just dress in whatever was closest to my bed and…
and it’s not what one might expect.
What if it’s a Nurse Shark? Like totally qualified, the whole shebang? Is that still a no?
Christ, you can’t stay off that thing for ten fucking minutes, can you?
Breaking news on the Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner story: the two appear to have smiled at each other.
ikr? If I didn’t want you to respond to a message, I wouldn’t send it in the first place.
I’m in my early 30’s. And I don’t think I’m old and I never said I was, but I’m not young. I’m not 17, 18, 20... they are the generation who’s thoughts on rape we should be looking at.