Batwoman is Batman’s cousin.
Batwoman is Batman’s cousin.
No, thank you. I don’t want another one of his fantasies about strong women masquerading as feminism pieces of work.
I don’t think Prince became a Jehovah’s Witness until after their son died. Getting really into religion seems to be a pretty common coping mechanism after intence trauma like that - an attempt to give the even some meaning.
tbh, it’s not the slow track over her wiring up that put me off, it’s the “i know this looks like a chic flick but look at her lezzing it up lads, you can come see this too!” bit that did it.
“Ultimately, the two of them were swallowed up by the personas they had created for themselves,” Leiderman said.
Nah, posh Brits love coke. luuuuurve the stuff.
Talk about wanting to sleep with a 13 year old girl, get elected President.
What happens if she then wants to explore other men? Because you’re kind of treating her wanting to sleep with other women as a light thing. But if she’s bi, it’s not. It should be treated with exactly the same weight it would get if she’d asked to sleep with other men.
Unfortunately for him, police said that video footage from a nearby surveillance camera is consistent with the woman’s charges.
So glad I wasn’t the only one. I read “artichoking technique” and was so confused for a moment.
and especially toward Protestants, for not having a church that owns its own country
They take you down to Vatican city where the nuns aren’t seen and the boys are pretty.
hot booth with an adult dude we don’t even know
I mean, even Madonna’s acknowledged that she basically works the shit out of a very limited palette of talents (“I’m not the best singer, I’m not the best dancer...”)
No role will ever be so perfectly cast as Reeve’s Superman.
I always think it’s super bad manners to mock someone for their intelligence when they’re expressing themself in their second language.
Tiffany is a tremendous young woman with a big and beautiful...
Oh god, watch Hoarders. There is always a bag of human waste somewhere - either toilet paper or nappies. The worst ones pile it up in the bathtub. They tend to lose their water supply and then...
Yup. They have form on it...