Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

True story. China may pop up often on stories of piracy and whatnot, but there's a big part of China that has made incredible advances that could and should pretty much be compared with highly developed countries.

We deserve to be ostracized, unfortunately.

Yeah dude, instead of actually replying you just try to "demoralize" me with vague accusations of "stupid generalization and misinformation", even though you don't seem capable of actually expliciting what those are. Not to mention the good old "mainstream media is bad!". Lemme guess, humanities student at USP, right?


We need a real "right-wing". Both our current biggest parties are just plain idiotic and corrupt most of the times.

Also, we need someone to review that stupid games taxes that where made in the 90's to preserve Tectoys national Sega Genesis production. That is something that is really killing our market for games.


Stop complaining and do something, asshole

As a Brazillian, I'm deeply disappointed. Not with Nintendo. With our piece of crap government that's managing to drain our economy down the hole and, worse yet, with the freaking idiots that keep voting on the same party that's been running the country for 12 years.

QUOTE | "It's always struck me as a little odd how resentful players are in the F2P business model about paying a couple dollars when they don't think twice about paying $50 for the same amount of fun or gameplay time." - Veteran designer Steve Meretzky, talking about the evolution of free-to-play games.

I'm not pro-GamerGate. The movement as a whole did, and, in fact, became some pretty disgusting things. Likewise I've seen some — what do you even call them without sounding bitter? The extreme 'SJW' types? I've seen those people behaving disturbingly as well. I don't mean calling gamers shitlords or anything petty

I find this a nice 180 after the whole "Gamers are dead" spitting match between gaming journalists and gamergate. Rather than threatening gamers in a childish manner (And losing intel as an advertiser) you are now taking the high road and not pushing for the super-political ethical battles through video games. Kotaku,

did you by chance notice that "my country and the rest of the Arab countries banned Pokemon" part of his statement?

It's certainly a large part of the problem.






I click expand and still can't read the text..?

I'm not too sure about that. While it's true that Britain was technically in the right by taxing the American colonists, the real issue was that the colonies were not allowed to be represented in Parliament. Thus, as far as the colonists were concerned, they could be bullied into having to pay astronomical taxes

It wasn't the taxes themselves that the colonies were angry about. It was taxation without representation. They had to pay the same amount of taxes as those who lived in the mainland, but they weren't being represented. They wanted equal rights as British citizens, which they weren't getting. When they realized they