Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

Types "Hi!" into phone's text message box.

Too beta to text her? Who the hell are raising these wimpy kids? Man up, or you'll be alone forever.

"Yes, the concept of a PC Master Race, not to mention the term itself and its most devoted adherent's behaviour, can be problematic"

It's sad that this is the realistic state of things. What was once funny or acceptable for the past decade is now a cause of concern and worry. And this is why I hate censorship in all forms. *grumbles*

What a dumb change. Being able to see silly polka dotted panties or something comedic isn't any more ridiculous than a princess fighting super heroes in a pink dress.

Only social justice idiots look for racism where there's none. How many times has the show made fun of the French? As soon as they make a joke about Mexicans, it becomes racism because most Mexicans have a darker skin color? The fact anyone draws attention to that only further makes race an issue in today's society.

That IS the only way, at least for hypergamous women.

I've watched several agendas get slowly pushed into the mainstream consciousness over my lifetime, and this is part of how it succeeds. It's not just the loud, angry articles calling for action- it's also the subtle, sometimes funny little pictures, videos and editorials that subversively get into people's heads and

What do you expect ? it's not 1990 anymore! games aren't supposed to be fun (anymore). They are either art, or serious sports, or political/social statements ! ;)

They're tall, rich and hot, what more do women want in a marriage? It's not like most of the older Princes actually have personalities at all.

Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.

"Andrew Jackson, in the foyer of his White House, had a big block of cheese. The block of cheese was huge - over two tons. And it was there for any and all who might be hungry. Jackson wanted the White House to belong to the people, so from time to time, he opened his doors to those who wished an audience. It is in

Wouldn't it be annoying if, after you said that, a game journalist you weren't directly speaking to jumped in to say, "I don't broadly insult people in the name of justice. I never ignored these outspoken non-offenders. I never called them misogynist pigs."?

Because whether that's true or not, it would kind of not be

It's about how we have serious issues with sexism and misogyny in games, but the only person willing to talk about them regularly makes mistakes or outright wrong statements when she tries to bring them up, which makes some people think "oh my god, she's lying to further her cause." I don't think she's lying - she's

Part of diversity is listening to viewpoints other than your own. One of the big points I have taken from #GamerGate is that many gamers are feeling marginalized because our viewpoints aren't "cool." If I dare to say that I care about good games with good story and can't care less if they feature women/gays/other

It's less common than the big three (pork, beef, and chicken), but it's not unheard of. The big three are mass marketable and are raised in much larger quantities, so they effectively flood the market and make consumption of other meats less common. Often, alternate meat options are marked up in price, since devoting

Five Guys checking in. Here's an idea, stop promoting talentless, narcissistic, douche-weasels like Anita "Koch" Sarkeesian and Phil "Prison" Fish who whine, bitch, deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate their way to notoriety.

I wish this was the equality people were talking about instead of demonizing games catered towards males.

So Stephen Totilo has come out and pretty much confirmed that Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson have been "in a relationship," but he refuses to acknowledge that this has had any influence on Kotaku's coverage of her, even though Totilo tried to assist them in covering it up. The fact that they kept it secret pretty

It's an issue with journalism. Journalists are supposed to be impartial, unbiased sources of information. Sleeping with someone you're reporting about is absolutely going to alter how you cover any news related to them.