Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

You hit the nail on the head.

[INB4 Feminists: "That's a phallocentric metaphor!]


Feminists call the man a rapist, decry normal human mating behaviors, rant about "male gaze" and "rape culture" and imply that the man should simply stand there and wait for her to select him because he has no right to view her [he really ought to be wearing a blindfold to avoid "stare rape"], speak to her

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If it bleeds, they can kill it; they've discovered the way....

Freedom of Expression and Free Thought only matter if you're a member of 'The Cause'.

Don't you know?

Ah, ok.

So, is Kotaku looking to do a hatchet job on another beloved niche
game/franchise this year? Looking for a repeat of Dragon's Crown?

Shit like that declarative title [quotes don't excuse the assertion] make me want to
forever unread Kotaku.

The article isn't much better - I get more objective coverage of games

Final Fantasy doesn't count - Lightning was fanservice for Misandrists.

Comcast are Crony Capitalists, Corporatists, but nothing near the title of Capitalist or Laissez-faire.

They couldn't, wouldn't exist, [and neither would their peers] without propping up by the Government.

Same as GE.

And they know they're a monopoly, so of course they abuse their customers. They can.

What market forces


If my friend's ex-wife can do it to try and strengthen her divorce case, and nobody bats an eye, why not give the cuckoldress a taste of her own mojo?

I say do it. In some states if he lives with that kid long enough, even though he's not the father, he can be forced to pay child support.

Since I got Kinja'd, I'm just gonna repost here -


No, in a situation like that, he owes her absolutely nothing - if anything she owes HIM money and damages, in a fair world...

But no, you do not reward that behavior by allowing it to be profitable.

A lot of what I said, you said. But I got kinja'd.

So much this.


Welcome to the problems of being raised in Beta culture.

The Nice Guy schtick that you're pulling for - and the fact that you fell for the wiles hook, line, and sinker, provided your labor to offspring that wasn't yours, and supported the return, room, and board of a competing suitor, tells me you tend to let her

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No, that game is single-handedly responsible for most of the ambiguous fuckery that's come since; you want a good trailer? Here you go:

That's a false analogy - you have a choice to not own a car.

The only choice I'd have to not buy insurance with that mandate you're mentioning is suicide.

Oh, yeah, that's totally a reason to stoke panic and paint with broad strokes and condemn people to years in prison, plus totally disregard their presumption of innocence.

Remind me to never hire you as a lawyer and be in contempt of court if you're ever a Judge in any case I'm involved in, ever.

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"regular player's experiences"

... Luke, I have to post this now.
