
Just because it was 12,000 BC doesn’t mean they weren’t millennials.

Einkorn wheat. Completely different animal (genetically) from modern hybridized wheat. Nothing to see here.... Move along. /sarc

The good thing about “Paleo diet” is avoiding heavily processed food.

This has always been a problem with video games. Not just competitive video games — all of them.

according the comics that’s not how Groot’s biology works. he’s “died” and regrown himself many times in the comics and it’s always the same Groot.

Well I choose to believe the actual comic version in which you totally can regrow Groot if you can preserve a sliver of the core, and it does take quite a while to regrow to full size. It’s cannon. So suck it Gunn, source material wins.

Probably because that’s how he is in the comics, where he’s been regrown a number of times and is still the same-ish Groot. Haven’t really figured out how he went from being a verbose prick to just saying I Am Groot, though.

If Groot is capable of asexual reproduction, it seems incorrect assume Groot is male, and that baby Groot is his “son.”

He’s a plant. OP is accurate, no matter what Gunn says.

It’s more like his clone. Like what happens when you take a cutting of a plant and re-root it. It’s got the same genetic structure, right? It’s like reproduction by budding.

I think James Gunn might be full of shit.

This is what I think it is: they are terrified beyond all reason that a woman could have a better time or result than a man in identical events. If, say, Lindsey Vonn raced the same hill as Bode Miller and recorded a better time, they would LOSE THEIR SHIT.

Ah yes, the inevitable Kotaku comment projecting their own insecurities onto a stranger because that person dared to say that they think they are attractive. Same as on every other Dr. Nerdlove post.

They have a choice. It’s “Don’t buy it.”

Stop giving developers and publishers a pass on this and blaming it on gamers. That’s exactly what they want you to do. When games like Shadows of War are specifically designed to be massive time sinks without buying microtransactions and loot boxes, players aren’t give a choice.

It makes total sense, from a business perspective, to create opportunities for recurring revenue streams rather than relying upon selling a one-shot product to a consumer and then funding a development team to put together another one-shot product with the funding derived from the sale of the first product.

That said,

Loot boxes are not overblown.

I personally don’t like loot boxes, so it was off putting that Halo 5 and Gears 4 both incorporated them and even Rise of the Tomb Raider had them!. But like you I felt like they were overblown with people getting upset about them so I’m glad it worked out the way I thought it would. To me they fixed the Forthog

I saw this on Massive Health the other day and found it totally asinine, as with most things that I've ever come across from Massive Health. Just ask yourself, how many people do you know that are fat because they ate too many bananas?

Bananas do make for a great pre- run/workout snack, as you don't want to be too full but do want a quick punch of energy. My favorite breakfast before doing a road race is a banana with a spoonfull of peanut butter.