
Not to mention that most concealers aren't heavy-duty enough to adequately cover up bruises, especially drug store brands. If they focus on how well you can cover up bruises, they have to sell a significantly higher quality product.

This is great, but unfortunately, I really doubt that will ever happen. Money donated to domestic violence non-profits? Yes, definitely. Links to help sites for domestic violence on their websites? Okay, I can see that getting past the marketing team.

well, when I tripped, banged my face into an open cupboard door, and had a horrible black eye, I was pretty glad to have concealor. It was hard getting pitying/ condescending stares from strangers. I wanted to wear a sign that said, "just clumsy!" It kind of gave me an insight into how we look down on people who

Pretty sure beauty brands campaign more toward the "making you feel shitty about yourself" angle as opposed to "WOMAN EMPOWERMENT". Also, lots of these companies are CEO'd by men. Not saying men can't stand up for women's rights, but I have a feeling male-run companies aren't so keen on openly profiting from domestic

When I first read about this, that was the first thing that occurred to me. But then the second was last year's "fat girl" clips from the reigning queen, and I remembered that the only thing Miss America can't be is slutty. Mean is totally fine, though.

If ABC had reached out, they would have known that since the story ran, we've learned more, and that things are still developing on our end. It would have been a tougher interview.

Like a cyclops with two extra eyes

she is just a performance artist who is testing new costume for Halloween. Soon Franco will write poetry about her.

I thought she claimed the surgeons weren't able to create her a third nipple? So she had one tattooed on…

what is it like having your every day work conversations being about triboobs and poop and butts? is it wonderful? surreal?

"their view of ancient Europe is a bit too romantic to be totally comfortable"

did someone say high forehead?

Man, D&G has just been killing it the last few seasons. I love this whole over the top, ornate, kind of Baroque thing they've been doing. Also, I am pleased to see lace tights are a thing again this season. I'M IN.

Gotta love security theater. Spending billions in time and money to make us... not measurably safer.

People outside the US aren't even given the opportunity to fork over cash to read the article.

So that was charming and all but you have to be a subscriber to actually read the linked article containing the information that is actually useful here.

Jamie's motives make sense; Dougal's are murky.

I just really have to hand it to Caitriona Balfe. I am truly convinced that Claire loves Frank and Jamie, and I really wasn't in the book (of course, I couldn't have cared less about it, either, because HOT JAMIE!).

Will anybody keep watching now that Claire and Jamie have finally boned? Tune in next week to find out!