
I am not a prank-loving person. I hope your friend is. Because that kinda shit would've been a huge sign that I could not live with that person forever.

"Belarus, which in general is basically Russia's kid brother desperately hoping their elder sibling will take a break from its journalistic suppression and virulent racism to play catch with them, and in the meantime they arrest the cat for loitering."

There are many strains of TB and some are latent for a long time. That's why you are required to have a TB test to travel to or get a visa to stay in some places, because the latency period can actually be quite long and asymptomatic.

And as if this wasn't upsetting enough, because it happened in Texas, conservatives will probably find a way to blame it on immigrants crossing the southern border.

I kinda get that- I think if a guy I didn't really want to marry asked me to marry him in front of a bunch of people and it would end in extreme embarrassment to him if I said no, I would say yes publicly then once in private tell him that "I'm not there. Here's your ring back. Sorry dude."

What's a little white Russian lie between friends?

The ring betrayed him. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend, legend became myth, and for two and a half thousand years the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.

According to someone who claims to be a friend of the guy (in the YouTube comments), she said yes but then changed her mind later that day.

"Oh my god. Oh my god," he repeated, looking up at his intended— a vast horror building behind his tear-filled eyes— wondering how it could have all changed so suddenly; how it would never be like it was; whether he could ever love her again. "Oh my god," he said once more, softer, before slipping away beneath the

Especially when the misfortune is so, so easily anticipated. This isn't even a boat. It's a series of floating chairs. And he doesn't have the ring in a box, just gripped loosely in his fingers. With a bunch of drunk people. It's like he wanted it to happen.

I wanna see videos like this in which the dudes get rejected. Proposal videos gone wrong ALL THE WAY!

Call me judgmental, but I'm guessing he wasn't smart enough to insure that ring before taking it into a lake with people who have probably been drinking.

Good god, if that isn't the most horrifying 15 seconds of silence at the end there.

Isn't this the very thing the West seemingly fails to grasp? In Russia everybody lies about everything and everybody knows that. It is therefore assumed that everybody lies everywhere else as well. Hence the Russian complaints about the referendum in Scotland. "See, they're just as bad as us, only they're not as

Hilarious. I'm crying tears of laughter into my Freedom Fries.

Lots of holes in that cheese.

I knew that PhD in Early 20th Century Russian Dairy Products would come in handy some time.

"Hey! What do you know? Turns out we've had giant gophers in the backyard that taste just like jamón ibérico!" - some guy in Belarus.

My favorite Russian cheese is a nice Tsarmigiano-Romanov blend. Unfortunately, they don't make it any more.