
Maybe its just me but... I don't get it. Is it supposed to be avant garde? Is that what they were going for here?

Is that a bone? What is that?

You know, I skimmed this and it seems well written and I'm sure it's good (can't really delve in because triggers) but that headline can GO FUCK ITSELF. My god, completely ridiculous.

It is a bit sad, seeing someone who has had such a long career reduced to copying the trends set by someone like Miley Cyrus. (Yes I know she did not invent twerking but she is unfortunately the reason that it has become so mainstream)

reminds me of this

I would really think that with the career J Lo has had, she doesn't need to do this kind of shit any more....

well this is illegal!

I'm an unapologetic brown girl and brunch is the best. Anything that involves eggs and alcohol, honestly.

at least she isn't sailing on the Mayer-craft carrier. I hear that's a rite of passage in Hollywood.

About her lips— I once used a lip gloss "plumper" with cayenne pepper (I think?) in it and it basically zings your lips all tingly and makes them plump. I really looked like I had had work done. <shrug>

Did Ryan Gosling have a baby through his man pussy? Why are people reporting this like he doesn't have an S.O.?

i'm an unapologetic white girl about how much i love brunch. gimme a bloody mary (or 3) and some eggs benny and i'm the happiest human in the world. do not shame me, julian casablancas. i'm not starting fights like that dude on the LES gawker posted about.

Anyone think the shape of her lips in that photo looks a bit collagen-esque? It could be the lipgloss, but the way the swell out in the center looks suspicious.

Martin Lawrence. It's so obvious, yet beautiful!

I'm surprised that he has a vendetta against Rolling Stone, because isn't his career kind of indebted to Rolling Stone's obsession with keeping rock music alive?

I love love love Jack White as a musician, but I agree, he appears to be a top-shelf douche.

I actually laughed out loud when I read this:

Because it's fucking Texas, and only white Christian males have rights.

I still don't understand why using a 'constitutional right' to take pictures against someone's will is okay.

I don't understand why they couldn't have just left out the "for sexual gratification" parts and made it illegal to take photos without permission from angles which or in a manner which takes advantage of loose clothing and exposes areas of the body that a reasonable wearer of that clothing would expect to remain