
This pose is so 2nd century BC.

Did Bianca Del Rio do her makeup or what?

They make nice angels

Yeah, I dig it as part of the overall look. The tights / leggings / whatever's on her gams look like they're sprouting leg hair. Combined with the tampon earring, you get a "This is what a natural woman fucking is, asshole" vibe. While the latex housework gloves are a subtle nod to the domestic goddess gender roles.

Psst Mark, just a little tip. They're definitely not used tampons. Just painted ones. Used ones would be bloated out fat and the blood would be . . . well, you get the picture.

And I applaud their use of rubber washing up gloves. Good clinical hygiene is important, even on the runway.

I miss LimeWire and Napster. 2000 was a glorious time for pirating music.

I haven't purchased music since 2008... Jack Johnson's "Sleep Through the Static" album. I pretty much listen to Pandora exclusively.

Buying music? HAH!

Really though I just watch stuff on YouTube these days. I pirated all my music years ago, but between the RIAA's cease&desist campaigns and the lingering feeling that it's not quite moral, I've stopped. But oh how I miss the call of the digital high seas, where I sailed under the command of no one

"Getting ridiculous?". It's great you're concerned now, but she's been getting death threats, harassment, etc for a good long time now. It was ALREADY not just "ridiculous", but "fucking horrible".

Yes, let's just assume she sent bomb threats to herself, despite having zero evidence to that effect. That seems reasonable.

Except she doesn't. She promotes a differing view from established, sexist norms in videogames and talks about them in an educated manner, never once being condescending to the viewer. The only people whining about "conflicting views" are the people who keep harassing her. You know, because you can have an "actual

No. This is a ridiculous comment. She's voicing her issue with these threats because she wants to make a difference. Extreme harassment on the internet will continue until someone is brave enough to make a scene about it. I want her to get attention for being harassed and threatened, because it makes people realize

If she doesn't like the criticism then maybe she shouldn't have taken the step to be in the public light.

Oh my god.

Day after day, gamers prove her point. These people are no more tolerant than the ISIS when it comes to different ideas. It's fricken embarrassing.

If you were actually curious and not just concern trolling, you could read the article, which very explicitly states that Stephen was informed about the bomb threat last week while investigating some of Sarkeesian's other claims. But I understand that it's much more fun to ignore facts and to suggest that it's part of

Anita has always had feminist criticism, because feminism is not a single block. For example, Sommers is a conservative Feminist who works for a right wing think tank, so obviously she would advocate a form of Feminism in line with Conservative ideology. Similarly, many other feminists have criticised Anita for her

I don't agree with her on most of the things, her videos aren't that great. They DO have good points thou.

good lord, enough with the Frozen bashing. Its become the "cool" thing to do now, and its just so dumb. I am also tired of the crotchety old lady theme she's adopting. Get off MY lawn, Blossom.

They did. It was Brave.