
Female celebrities get shamed/called sluts for having nude photos in a way that dudes just aren't. It's really about power and making a victim of someone.

I always thought just cavalli was too ugly to be high fashion.

I've been here for a few years now(sadly this account is in the greys still...)

If you have a rape kink, you do not just go for it because an ad said so. If the guys were actually wanting to live through a fantasy without hurting anyone, they would have talked about the ad and reinforced consent before he touched her. Rape fantasies need to exist within a "scene", and need to follow the basic

There's so much on the market for removing smell now. From dietary supplements to coat conditioners. My ferret doesn't smell bad at all(according to guests and vets).

I loved the guy who said "Don't do romance?! What kinda guy are you?"

They weren't just confiscating though, the students had to pay a fine to get them back. It's unacceptable and if that girl knew she couldn't afford it, no wonder she wouldn't hand it over. For poor students all it does is guarantee they will not have their phone at the end of the day(which if you live in a bad area,

It looks like the knitting machine exploded.

There's a new editor-in-chief.

I swear, you are swiftly becoming my favorite commenter.

It's basically the same idea as putting people's legal documents up on display. It's theft. It's crime. There's nothing transformative about sharing the images in any way,shape or form.

I just had a case of this today, I had to ask what haloumi was. I felt like an idiot, but it ended up being cheese not meat, and it was amazing! Unless you're at a really pretentious place,no waiter will care that you ask. They'd rather tell you what it is than have you order blindly and hate it. If your waiter

I remember my little cornsnakes, and everyone thought if they bit, it was because they were trying to kill me. But it's usually just them being scared.

I remember meeting guys who thought giving birth took less than 10 minutes(because movies don't usually how long the process can be). They were 18 and had girlfriends. It was hilarious, pathetic, and made me really worry about the state of sex ed.

No one, no matter how stupid deserves to be impaled for being reckless. They deserve to have to answer to authorities, but no person deserves an injury.

There's also plenty of nude leaks that are female that they don't write about.

I have no trouble believing that. I'm always skeptical of people who write memoir type books proclaiming they're exposing anything. They are usually sociopaths, or complacent at best.

I think a huge issue with "obnoxious" monsters is that a bad DM won't know how or when to use these creatures. They have their places, but I've seen far too many DM's I've played with just end up throwing them out in throngs and then laughing as the low level party dies while trying to run. Also, a good DM will know

The lobotomized look is so couture, obvs. Looking like you're having fun is soooo last season.

I remember when a stalker had left dead animal parts on my doorstep, and people accused me of doing it for attention.