
Don't feed the trolls.

Not instantly. I'm a ferret owner (obviously - that's how I know the actual facts of the case instead of media-friendly sound bytes), and I was terrified that the stupidity of these people would cost me my babies.

Agreed. GHB is typically used for recreational use as a club drug. Now if she had a recipe for say, Rohypnol, I think the headlines would be more appropriate.

Which is also used as a date rape drug. I'm fine clutching some pearls over this one, thanks. I guess I'll just take the moral high ground about the high school teacher who was making drugs like GHB. You can call me a shamey, horrible shamer for that one; I won't mind one bit. If you'd like to join me up here on the

wait, were the recipes labeled "date rape recipes"? I'm not being a date rape recipe apologist, but when I was in high school I knew tons of kids (ok, and me) that would take drugs the media called "date rape drugs" like GHB for fun all the time.

She was just cooking recreational drugs. The GHB to 'date rape drug' connection is no where near as solid as the GHB to Club Kid connection.

I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

Right? The teacher that probably did drugs, the teacher that was living vicariously through students, the teacher that probably had students locked in his basement...

Well, I mean she likely took the instructions to school because they had the equipment she needed. And the GHB was probably for recreational use.

I wonder if there are teachers who do actually do seem like the type.

oh God. Why did I read this? AND HOW IS THAT MAN ALSO NOT BEING CHARGED!??! even if he didn't know about the other two children that are apparently his (I call bullshit on him not knowing), the living conditions for the two older children he KNOWS are his is enough for him to be complicit in their neglect. I mean,

Considering how he was probably conditioned into never talking about what went on at home, what he did was brave, even if it was out of fear.

He didn't. He told his friend that he "can't make the babies stop crying". The friend told his own mom, who thought there were only two kids living in the house. AND, the horrible mom was supposed to be on the Cape. So the friend's mom went to the house to investigate and saw the kids in squalor and called 911

I was wondering the same thing. There were TWO adults in that household. Not defending her by any means, but living in that mess and allowing children to live in that mess just isnt right. Silence equals consent. He's probably just as whacked as she is!

I live in Massachusetts, and this has been ALL over the news. It's horrifying. I'm a social work graduate student concentrating on children and families so this is particularly interesting to me how the system had somehow disturbingly failed to detect these children's horrible living conditions. DCF in Mass has been

Reports say there was also a man living in the house—his role in the situation is unknown and he has not been charged with anything.

I'm kind of confused as to why the other grown-up living in the house faces no charges whatsoever. How is just ignoring all of this not child neglect/endangerment, whatever your relationship is to the children you live with?

Baby fingers are delicious. What's your point?

They're probably thinking the exact same thing about you. LOL

I have 3 ferrets and they've never bitten anyone, let alone ate fingers. They're not gross, either. They're like kittens.