
Naw, Stewart was convicted of more than just obstruction of justice. There were all kinds of conspiracy charges along with knowingly lying to federal investigators, plus she profited off her insider trading to the tune of $45,000 and change (which she was compelled to pay back threefold.) Those are some pretty gross

I think Gwyneth Paltrow is ludicrous, but she's guilty of little but foolishness and conceit. Martha Stewart, on the other hand, has actually been convicted by a court of law and sent to prison for, in effect, stealing vast amounts of money and taking venal advantage of her powerful privilege. I just can't summon up

Hideous quality of the sculpt aside, and to some here who crave attention by posting derogatory remarks about the woman, however poorly she lived her life, she was an amazing talent as a songwriter and singer and her brief fame was well-earned.

Oof. Is it just me or does it not look particularly good? Kind of reminds me of the vaguely vapid-expressioned and dead-eyed creepy statue someone made of Britney Spears giving birth.

I think GOOP is a deeply silly lady who says hilariously out-of-touch things, and I enjoy poking fun at her very much. But I sometimes get a little.....I don’t know. Queasy? Uneasy? about the pile-on she sometimes receives. Does anyone else ever feel that way?

That's the amazing thing about Martha. It's not just cooking, it's ev-er-y-th-i-ng. Gardening, decorating, cleaning, crafts, everything. A steady stream of projects. Things to actually do.

Remind me again, Martha, how much time did Goop spend in prison?

It's nice to hear from someone who is Team Goop, but Martha knows her stuff. I suppose they're just different things. Goop, as far as I can tell, is aspirational, where Martha Stewart's thing is also, but more skill based.

It's called confabulation, and it's pretty interesting. I did a little Googling about it once, because one of my students had an issue with it. Most of the articles I found were sort of dense and scholarly, so much so that they weren't helpful in the situation I was in, but I found a decent, brief explanation on

Seriously. I do not have disability, but I'd just have fucking left. I don't give a shit. I'd have left and demanded my money back because that's bullshit. I paid to see you perform and I'll enjoy it any way I damn please. Wouldn't it have been great if the whole crowd just up and left? YOU'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT KANYE!

Kanyeverse. Where Kanye worships Kanye.

She's... something else for sure. She reminds me a lot of my brother-in-law's sister who is bipolar. Also one of those people who can lie to your face just completely blithely because she actually believes her own lies.

And, you know what, even if she was way off base and being all mean and shit, wouldn't even mind.

Well this dirt bag is just chock full of assholes today. And yes, that includes Martha.

Shade? In the words of Dorian Corey in Paris is Burning: "Shade is, 'I don't tell you you're ugly, but I don't have to tell you because you know you're ugly.' And that's shade."

Martha Stewart can make 5 course dinner with water and bread only, so she can say what she wants

Have you ever known someone who believes their own lies? I feel like LiLo might be one of those folks.

Wow, what a fucking ass Kanye is. Way to leave absolutely no room for doubt on that point, man.

Is that even considered shade?! Martha straight up called her out.

Ain't no wrath like a WASP-y white lady's wrath. I hope this feud goes on forever.