
Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.

Fuck off, Jasmine. Seriously.

Millions of pounds of munitions were lost that week, and the man hours lost amounted to the loss of five naval destroyers, according to some estimates.

White deflection is a terrible...stupid response.

That’s … honestly not the article’s most relevant point.

Every time I read an article explaining how white people who think they are helping really aren't... this is the response from so many white people. "I don't know what to do then, maybe I should just do nothing?" If we stay inactive with the excuse of "not accidentally making things worse," we're letting the racist

White privilege boils down to having the luxury to live your life in total ignorance of the multiple, daily microaggressions that POC experience, and then act surprised and shocked when POC show anger. I am seeing it all over my FB page today, and if it makes me so tired, I can only imagine how tired it makes you.

In 2008 when Barack Obama was elected and Dems controlled both houses, making Election Day a holiday is EXACTLY WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE.

The million dollar question.

Yeah, there are a few things happening now that make you realize how terribly the nation's police departments have failed. One is the issues with race. Two is the fact that women are literally scared to report sexual assault to the people whose jobs it is to stop it.

Finally. Some male opinions.

Everyone please pipe down, a man is talking.

Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.

Good thing no one asked you.

With one difference: when the Boston bomber was cornered, the media was there. Cops are capable of behaving if they're being watched, which is why all police activities in America need to be recorded. There's no reason not to, and the technology certainly exists.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

Excellent piece Greg...wow.

It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."

Now I want to let my friend have a muffin.

Nerd moment, but Xena isn't an Amazon. There were certainly different Amazon tribes featured on the show, but Xena was never inducted into Amazon society.