
Really, A Citroen 2CV? I knew Jalops were weird, but that’s extreme.

I say we put him on the first launch to Mars.

Why are you driving blindfolded?

A someone who thinks true street races (i.e, I don’t count Canada) are generally garbage anyway and the Parade d’ Monaco only hangs around for historic purposes, if LV dies quickly it will make me happy.

Cry me a river.

Came to chime in with how fantastic the Fit is with a manual transmission. Commuter and fun mobile in one package.

And where, precisely, is this form? Because it’s not showing up in help center menus or searches for me.

I wonder how many people block Musk?

On (2); they didn’t charge him under the Insurrection Act, which AFAIK is the only way to disqualify him from holding federal public office, besides impeachment.

Of course, he can’t pardon state charges. But, well, if he does get convicted and gets federal jail time, then runs and wins, I hope somehow the Supreme Court rules he can’t pardon himself, so he is forced to serve his term from prison.

Ah, the E-wing.

Ford Pintos.

Cars are like people. Some would be great if they were topless all the time; some are exciting if they are topless occasionally; most you never want to see topless under any circumstances.

Thought it meant “Moron On Board”

The useful metric is duration, not range.

It’s actually *not* optimized to run on jet fuel (JP8). It was optimized to run on DS2 (diesel), then switched to JP8 in 1995/1996 when the DoD went to the single fuel policy. Abrams did Desert Storm on diesel fuel. It takes a sligth fuel economy hit on JP8 ... the rest of the combat and truck fleet takes about a

Isn’t the answer always Miata?

Or maybe for us mere mortals, spend 10% of that for a Spec Miata?

Yes. The correct answer is: “D. All of them.”
