Mid-size? It’s gone full-on full size. Heck, my 2020 Civic is larger than my last Accord.
Mid-size? It’s gone full-on full size. Heck, my 2020 Civic is larger than my last Accord.
Buyer is wrong.
Or just tax tires.
I own a Civic Si (and S2000) so I endorse ... but isn’t the answer still Miata?
This is the Fit we need, but do not deserve.
Right. Rate, not quantity, is the important metric here.
The true zenith of technology is not artificial intelligence, but artificial stupidity. Any good machine intelligence can make the right call based on available data; it takes a human-equivalent intelligence to take in all the data and then make the exactly wrong decision.
Not minutemen ... moronmen.
M35 deuce-and-a-half. Required double-clutching on every shift.
“Economic causality”
Yeah, I exaggerate -- I do think COTA is great -- but not by much.
Any Tilke-designed circuit.
While it woud be great to see F1 at the Glen, I agree it can’t really support something of that magnitude.
Braking for not-stop-signs and not braking for stop signs.
Often the “Viable” is optional.
The Silicon Valley model of using customers as beta testers takes on a whole new dimension when applied to multi-ton moving objects.
Plus I bet they won’t bill for their services.
Right up until the user checks the box on the terms & conditions of the software license that say “I agree to be responsible for any incidents when self-driving is engaged.”
Count and report the number of times you spin in the skidpad exercise. ‘Cause if you don’t spin you’re in control, and if you’re in control you’re not driving fast enough.
Cybertruck? More like Cyberjunk.