
I knew all of this, and although the title of the Video and this article seem to try and skew it otherwise, the primary "inventors" of the internet are still the Us military and the US in general, and Al Gore.

Interesting that you've had the game since December 4th, 8 months from now.


I'd say it's even worse because there are indicators on the ground telling you where not to stand while enemies are charging up their skills and such, plus being an MMO there's more danger from the sides as well. First-person just doesn't work well here.

hidden the best way I know how

This is so dumb.... I love it.

Leslie, I think you're projecting your past experiences of losing remotes onto the rest of us!

I'm christian and I think it would be cool if people dressed as any religon just for fun.

That was pretty cool.

People actually bought this?

Steampunk? Of course!

I can't stop watching his arm... is he a robot!?

Next is Gabe Newell saying that Half Life 3 was secretly being developed as an Oculus Rift exclusive but is now canceled because of the Facebook deal.

The ending was trippy.

It's essentially a Prison for Haxors.

The Rareobtanium was never that rare, it was a ruse to get potential buyers more interested,causing them to see the Rifters as people who were in over their heads and needed the help. Then wham! In the cost negotiations the Rifters would turn around with enough statistics to kill you twice and resurrect you a third

I never thought about the whole kickstarter thing. I would be willing to bet that is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

For a character that relies heavily on surprise and working from the shadows, "glows in the dark" would seem rather low on the list of desired features for his suit.