
Where were you when I was writing my headline?

So would you say this has caused the franchise owners to go into full...meltdown?

I’m still a bit baffled as to why this game is getting so much attention? Lack of anything else other than MHR? Because it hit Game Pass? SE is the publisher? My friends and I played it and were pretty underwhelmed.

Counter point, Dragon Age Inquisition is the wort of the series, start with the best, the first one... and maybe play the second.

I love DA:I, I probably have beat it about 3 times now. It is a great starting point since unlike DA:O (my personal favorite) it plays like a game most people can figure out quickly. The problem is that DA:I has the worst plot of the entire series, don’t get me wrong it has great moments, and the companions are

I thought Kingdom Come was a good idea when I first heard about it. Than I played it, and realized how fucking boring it was to play. And the story itself felt cringy.

Having done some ridiculous endurance-gaming stunts (“Skyrim in One Sitting”, a 43.7 hour marathon according to Steam where I beat the main quest plus several major sidequest lines, to help myself get over a breakup over Presidents’ Day Weekend in 2014), the key is to get up and stretch and use the bathroom and answer

This is not the games fault, its the parents fault for not regulating the kids time playing the game.

This has to be the first Fallout 76 fuck up that isn't Bethesda's fault.

Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t

So I guess you could say.......he was exiled from play?

Lol, I like this guy.

No because I took second grade in my home country where I was learning to write 50,000 distinct characters, so it’s actually difficult to balance the 3 languages that I speak and write.
I’m sure you’d understand, what with the 3 languages you’d also speak and write?

If that couple were black, they would be dead.

I had a recent streak on unemployment in which I had a lot of downtime. I watched Twitch almost every day, but I never once even considered looking at chat. I know exactly how awful it is, even on the most welcoming streams.

It has to do with ad/privacy blockers. If I have just Ad Block Plus enabled, I can see the full tweets. If I enable DuckDuckGo as well, they get halved. Some people have reported the problem only with ad blockers, though.

Is the April O’Neil in that ‘movie’ play by April O’Neil the porn actress?

Maybe. >_>

It just gets creepier as you scroll down. I bet you did that on purpose.