
From the video, it looks like this exoskeleton can shoot lens flare fireballs.

“I’m frequently told that it looks fantastic”

Hate to break it to ya kid....

If this is true I’m trying to imagine of why anyone would entrust the vehicle in that spot if there was multiple encounters with issues.

Thanks man. I thoroughly enjoyed this comment.

I thoroughly enjoyed this article.

Time to step up Twitch and prove that your new Guidelines are more than just pretty words on paper.

I’ve never adblocked. Whatever this comglomeration of websites has been doing with ads these past 2 weeks has sucked so bad I finally downloaded one.

Using an adblocker on your browser works pretty well.

Bernie Sanders just does not give a fuck. And I love it

They ditched fog? :/ I loved fog.

Why waste resources to ship them into space, when it’s significantly cheaper to tie some weights around their ankles and dump them in the pacific?

Is there a mode that removes stats yet so I can have a Clancy game and not a game where I’ll have to shoot a guy for three years just to down him?

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

I feel like this is the foundation for a Seinfeld episode where George wants to go to space to gain 3 inches of height.

Have you been to Europe? I have and I can confirm that they are a hell of a lot more progressive than we are here in America. Honestly, I can buy it. I think maybe they didn’t see it as racist because it didn’t dawn on them. I could be wrong of course but I do know that they are more more future thinking and inclusive

I’m glad they finally made it public knowledge that they are full of shit.

Jesus Christ, is that photoshopped? I can’t tell anymore.

we’ve got an optimist here

Star citizen - 2050 Holiday season.

At this point they need to at least blank out what was written. The only thing worse than a semi-permenant missing rectangle at the site would be this constant bit of propoganda.