
This is absolutely appalling. We need to stand up for bike rights and protection services. Bikes are humans too.


Pff....this is not just games but anything in real life. If Starbucks announced a 40% discount on Mocha only on the 1st friday of every month, you betcha your ass the queue will be long for that particular day.

I think he's wrong, at least from my perspective. I usually wait until a Steam sale simply because i cant afford to drop $50-$60 on every game when it comes out. A second point is that not every game is worth full price. Im not going to point out any specific titles but im sure we've all paid full price for a game

Robin! Quickly!! Hand me the Batrope the Penguin has just arrived!!!

Yeah this time it's for real there's lasers and shit!!


Hello! 9-1-1!! There's a Gundam loose in Japan.

Seriously, the internet is full of these tall tales and 'lifehacks' and they are all complete rubbish.

I've always wanted to chew on a giant cat. I'd buy gum especially if it tastes like a giant cat.

So this is the Japanese equivalent of the "What it's like to chew 5 gum" commercials? If those commercials weren't bad enough this makes them look much more insufferable in comparison. I'd take random businessman being carried to work by a cat over... whatever hellish nightmare they call those 5 gum things.

I don't know why, but this game reminds me a lot of Out of This World.

That's pretty cool.

The site is here to have people comment on articles. Yet more often than not the authors are taking it upon themselves to censor what makes it into the comment pool. It's absolutely rampant over on Gawker's main page, but I have to admit that this is the first time I've experienced it here.

As a prior "star" commenter

Nice, posts are already being deleted huh? Fucking cowards.

Instead of following the guidelines that Totilo stated about how authors are supposed to interact with the commentors you just delete posts you don't like. Fuck you Luke.

It would be like that movie where Ryan Reynolds was buried with a cellphone, but instead of a mystery person on the other end, all you would here is "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssss....."

Game 5 of the 1956 World Series.