
Wow, this makes me want to wait and just play it on PC instead of the Wii U. I’ve got plenty of other games like Mass Effect: Andromeda and Horizon Zero Dawn to finish (along with a half dozen others from past months) in the mean time while they fix the remaining bugs. I don’t see a good reason to play it at 720p at a

For me, I feel like the price should to some extent be based on what was put into the release. If they repackage the game and spend money coding in new features, new art, etc, then absolutely, those costs need to be covered along with a reasonable profit margin. If they’re using an emulator built by the platform

Well, I’m certainly curious enough to see how they work it into the existing story to pick it up, although I may not make as big an effort to grind out a large collection of Digimon the second time around.

Their behavior toward the third-party franchises they’ve scooped up over the years has always been baffling. They simultaneously seem to attribute little to no value to them while also heaping unrealistic expectations on sales of new games in the series. I’m guessing it’s an ego thing that they’d never admit, what

The issue has never been whether or not the Switch would get ports of old games, it has been whether third-parties will support it with new, and in particular AAA titles. So far that has looked as dire as always for Nintendo. And yes, I recognize that while SD3 would be “new” for the rest of the world, technically it

See, for me though, those topics were him bringing up something that made the others actually think and ask the kinds of questions that the general audience probably also had on those topics. The other three, and I don’t mean this in a malicious way, are usually at varying degrees of ignorance on important topics.

I agree, I think at least the GOG show is going to be hurt a considerable amount by this. A lot of their topics are just completely worthless fluff, and having someone on who, whether you agreed with him or not, was intelligent and brought serious topics to the table frequently was a counter balance that helped the

Someone who knows how to get through the game is going to be able to get through it generally faster than I will. There are also games where I’ve been very frustrated with the mechanics to where I don’t want to play, but want to see the story. Another thing is that I can put on video of a game being played on the

I on the other hand will completely ignore or stop watching a Let’s Play, even if there are no other alternatives, if the commentator is silent or annoying or so bad at the game it makes me frustrated watching. I buy a ton of games, and quite honestly, some of the ones I watch Let’s Plays of are the ones I own, just

That’s very much up in the air in my opinion. If the PS4 and XBO baseline models were to be in ads at $249 with a pack in title or two, that could very easily crush Nintendo’s sales. They also already have full libraries of games, many of which will be heavily discounted as well. Nintendo will almost certainly need to

“If we couldn’t make hardware we’d just up and quit.”

Dear Nintendo, “at this time” I will not be purchasing a Switch, because the machine is clearly half-baked, overpriced, has a pathetic line up of titles, of which only a handful will be available in the first six months, and several of which are multi-platform. The extortion that is the accessory pricing only cements

I feel like that’s a bit of an unfair analogy, as there isn’t a single title on iOS or Android that I am aware of that takes up 32GB of space that they knew was going to be one of the only titles available for a while from the moment the device was released. The reality is that Nintendo’s choice of memory means that

I agree, this kind of thing indicates that their endemic problems have not been addressed to the extent that they needed to be. They have received YEARS of criticism about their online services, including the VC’s glacial roll out and having to buy the same games repeatedly, and yet nothing seems to be ready for

Let’s be honest, the only reason this was even news worthy was because NINTENDO HASN’T SHOWN ANYTHING. A guy getting an early unit that can’t download updates, can’t access anything online, and has no games to show off wouldn’t be worth more than a passing glance if Nintendo weren’t treating this thing like it’s

Additional difficulties, yes those frequently show up in re-releases. The trial dungeons, as far as I am aware, have been in the recent base games (although some extra ones have been added in re-releases as well). Either way, it’s a move towards extra monetization of content that before you’d see on the disc, and

Well, now they’re releasing F2P gatcha style games on mobile and putting features that were frequently standard in their single player games as DLC. Not too surprising that they fell to the temptation of money in the end, just like all the others.

Proud to be on team Lazy Angel here in MD.

Do you know the other things necessary for that to happen Nintendo? One, you need an install base to even get them considering long term support, and you’ve already dropped the ball killing hype by inflating the price with your motion gimmick nonsense YET AGAIN. If removing that would have let them cut $50 from the

The upgraded version coming in the future is definitely a worry with the way they’re launching this. If nothing else, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a version with SIGNIFICANTLY more internal storage released at some point, given how insultingly low that seems to be for any console that expects you to download things.