
Feel free to mumble about those other fan games to me here. Or in a DM on twitter. (@havok_san)

Yes. Unfettered joy. Seriously. I was in awe, and am lying here thinking I should boot my stream back up and get right back to it.

Aria let you collect more souls and power them?

My first thought as well. Thought friends.

Juan Likes Rice and Chicken was incredible. And then seeing Seth Meyers wrote it made complete sense to me. Blue Jean Committee, too. Sigh, what a show.

Yeah, Diebuster was pretty out there. That ending, though. Amazing.

You’re not alone. Trigger and that transition phase Gainax stuff was amazing. The music for Kill la Kill creating the energy and hype for the battle scenes has not been replicated in anything else, and I yearn for it. OR I’ve missed any anime that use their music as skillfully.

GRIIIIDMAN! So excited. It’s no Promare, but my patience is holding strong.

A smaller form factor, with a clamshell? That'd be a trip. Or a budget version, portable only. I see that being a Nintendo move.

YES. My hero. <3

Thank you, Note series.

I completely agree. I even tried it by typing/copy-pasting elsewhere into a chunky block, then shift+entering each line. Still forced it.


<3 Just wanted to be the change I sought. 

1. 1942

No full list? BURGER TIME?

I’m extremely happy with my 65C6P. I love it, truly. RIP 3D, hopefully this current TV lasts forever.

I’m extremely happy with my 65C6P. I love it, truly. RIP 3D, hopefully this current TV lasts forever.

If the story goes in some bonkers direction for Kill la Kill, I’ll be happy. Honestly though, as someone else here said, 3D fighters are all kinda the same. Wasted opportunity for the rights to go to someone like Platinum. Dammit. THAT’S THE KINDA GAME I’M NEEDIN.

I wanna! I’ll look it up. I wish I could own all the Game Center CX stuff. :(