
I have to say, the list of improvements this year is striking, especially to the iPad. They appear to be addressing most of the limitations that kept my iPad Pro from being usable for my more complex work tasks.

As cool as the XR is, the XS is going to benefit the most from that Dark Mode action...  OLEDs.

Would you say that it was... unBEARable? :)

find a copy, and watch it. It scared the PISS outta me as a kid. I went back and watched it as an adult and was blown away. I want to make a Skesis costume for Dragon*Con

Do yourself a favour and watch it. It holds up.

Easy online bookings notwithstanding, I actually prefer calling my favourite places to make bookings. Good customer service is part of the reason why I go to places, and that starts with the phone call. My barber is great on the phone and we chat about availability and timings and what I want. Restaurants will ask me

There’s absolutely nothing rational or sane about that approach, because they’re applying it to others, not themselves. They’re enraged that someone would eat this. Equally your point re: faux fur is completely irrational. There are rational arguments against faux fur (primarily: sometimes it isn’t faux), but “UR A

That seems like a very different take to “hating” this and apparent anger that they’re “not for vegetarians”, which isn’t even true. I know several vegetarians, all I guess a lot younger than you, as you’ve been a veggie for nearly thirty years (so are presumably in your forties at least), who love this sort of thing.

That’s a pretty demented and deeply elitist attitude.

Cap.... it’s Sam.... On you left.”

My favorite was something along the lines of “It was him or the tree” when Gamora asks Nebula if that’s the guy she was dating??????

Riskier than re-casting the guy from the notorious failed Fantastic Four franchise as Captain America, one of if not THE linchpin of the Avengers? Not really, IMO.


I didn’t know how badly I NEEDED to see that final half hour until I was watching it. Seeing Giant Man punch a space whale!?! That was incredible.

There were so many moments in the final half hour in particular where I just kept saying to myself “I can’t believe I’m seeing this on a cinema screen”. Action, character combinations, plot elements... not only was I seeing them, but they’re in what will probably end up being the highest-grossing film ever.

No, no these were definitely intended to be the units shipped as far as Samsung has told us here at Gizmodo. Hardware companies don’t actually loan you beta tech. They loan you “pre-production” models and will stress that point to discourage bad press. (An example would be “Please don’t mention the busted keyboard it

Hey Joe! Quick question - does your local library fit in your pocket? No? Cool, then stop comparing apples to oranges. 

What’s to understand? Straight male who finds a woman attractive. You just happen to not find her attractive. That’s fine, but not understanding? That’s a bit baffling to me.

The title of this story should be “Why I Regret Not Protecting My iPhone XS”