
I feel like the phrase “plot hole” get overused. I realize this is a bit like screaming about Alanis Morisette’s definition of irony, but “plot hole” doesn’t mean “literally any question I have that isn’t perfectly answered to my satisfaction.” It means a logical contradiction or gap in the story. So, if Superman dies

Spoilers, naturally.

To be fair you’re talking to someone running Server 2019 on their home desktop to minimize exposure to Microsoft’s spyware. I suppose I’m not the most objective individual when it comes to determining tech overkill.

Maybe there’s a reason the thing is proportioned the way it is but I just can’t get over how weird the front screen when folded looks. It’s long and slim like a TV remote and the screen is super small in the middle of it? It just looks...weird.

“frankly I wonder why it’s even there. Just leave all the cameras on the outside.”

Yup.  Rogue and Psyloche... and the men having more muscles then a human does.  Look at Scotts right arm for god sake...

Jim Lee all over it

Maybe give it a boob window...‽

But how will the readers know she is a Ms. WITHOUT an exposed midriff??????  You’re talkin madnesss here!

Carol’s first Ms. Marvel costume was basically a version of Captain Marvel’s costume, but with an open midriff. Why expose her midriff? Who the hell knows, but bugged the hell out of Dave Cockrum (who designed a lot of the All-New X-Men’s costumes) who gave her a full top...before redesigning her costume with Chris

Ehh, to be honest, they are making her look in the film pretty much in line with how she looks in the current comics (the prior look has been gone for a while now). I don’t think 99% are going to care, and those in the seats that even know the character are going to be fine as long as she is red and blue.

Power Girl is DC so I expect it will be inappropriately trashy. Like how they cut Wonder Woman’s outfit in half for Justice League after the perfectly reasonable and yet still sexy outfit she had in Wonder Woman.

This is also gonna make the alt-right people so mad.

While the whole Ms. Marvel costume would have been a pretty dumb idea to go with. They could have had her swimming in a pool/beach in a simple black one piece with just a lightning bolt on it as a slight nod to it.

Goddamnit! It’s me, or the animation is really impressive here? And I mean everything, the water, the characters, the soil, the leaves, the elks... Everything seems to be a step ahead in terms of quality. Has Disney developed some new breakthrough in animation? Also, this is a masterclass in putting together a teaser

That’s not how it works. Thanos wiped out half of all of the intelligent life in the universe. It’s not like half of the grass on earth is gone now. His goal was to cull the population growth, so as to distribute resources better among the remaining population. Why would he then also wipe out half of the resources,

And a pearl necklace. It may have broken.

Agreed. Kinda how iron man 3's second act played out

I’m fully in support of a Batman movie where Bruce’s resources are stripped away and he has to figure it out the old fashioned way. Nothing but the suit, maaaaybe the car, and his mind. Push him to the absolute edge, and then shove him off of it. TDK got close, but Bats still had his money, his gadgets, and his

SPOILERS!  Good lord man, the film has not even hit theaters yet.