
Did you see the story about his deposition, where he was asked to identify the woman in a picture (E. Jean Carrol), and he thought it was Ivana? So much for “not his type”.

So wait a minute...

Trump asked “74 million patriots” to sign the petition, but the caveat to the request is a redirection to a page asking his supporters to donate upwards of $3,300 to his campaign. The outlet reported that the site does not specify what the money would go toward nor did it show how many signatures have been obtained.

His defense in his upcoming rape trial is "she's not that hot."

I disagree that millions of people would change their votes after seeing what happened on January 6th and THAT is the most disturbing part.

“The woman I paid to have sex with is ugly” is... an interesting choice.

Calling the “Stormy ‘Horseface’ Daniels,” investigation an “extortion plot”

This tweet is literally quid-pro-quo.. Like.. OH we help Apple with trade deals so they owe us... The only thing missing is.. They need to unlock this phone or we’re going to stop the trade deals.


IMO I think the govt knows they would lose such a case and they don’t want to set a legal precedent that either all encryption must be broken or that anything encrypted can never be circumvented.

You’d think the party of small govt and corporate freedoms, wouldnt want big govt to force a company to lesson security but hey im a stupid liberal.

Okay I get it; he’s a crazy old fuck who says stupid, ignorant shit... but what I don’t get are who are the idiots who retweet this? It’s not even interesting. 

And by “Apple” he means “Tim Apple.”

This has nothing to do with privacy. It’s not a question of should Apple do it, it’s that they can’t. They have built the phone to be extremely hard to crack. As soon as Apple caters to the government and adds a backdoor, that’s the moment when anyone can crack open any iPhone.

Another day, another threat from Mr. ‘Pro-Business’ President to a corporation that has been very very friendly with him.

That’s the magic of Trump tweets, they are so much garbled junk you can make up what you want them to say!

Shouldn’t he like.. not supposed to be admitting that hes doing favors for a specific company? oh well

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

I can’t believe it has taken this long for him to appear in public.

I honestly feel like something like this will be what brings him down. Not legal issues, or ethical violations....it will be something like a crowd booing and wounding his fragile little ego that will cause him to quit and let the world know, arms crossed and lip sticking out, that he didn’t want to be president