
Would a massive wall that spanned the entire US/Mexico border probably have some “positive” (as in, reducing) impact on people and goods illegally crossing the border? Probably.

You’d have to stop the airplanes that bring most of them here of course. So those walls need to be a few thousand feet higher.

I recalled the Apple keynote saying that Face ID will learn your face. If you gain or lose weight, grow facial hair, etc. I’d expect a few hiccups, but if it’s anything like Touch ID, it should be just about ready for prime time.

It uses infrared and depth sensors, so unless someone’s layering on so much makeup that it significantly changes the topography of their face, they’ll probably be fine.

Right. Wouldn’t a 60fps movie, filmed at 60fps all the way through, result in a higher-quality product?

I have mixed feelings on this because I do think the motion blending looks bad. But 24 frames per second is an industry standard due to cost a hundred years ago. It was simply the minimum number of frames to make action look okay (which you can go lower to 16-18) and have dialogue look natural (the problem with 16-18.

No, Apple did.

It’s really noticeable how compact Apple Watches are when you hold it beside any Android Wear smartwatch... Even the larger 42mm version. It’s amazing that Apple was able to get so much technology into such a small package.

“they’re still infinitely better looking devices, as long as you look at them from a distance, worn on a very large wrist, and don’t turn them sideways to see how thick they are” 

Viola Davis won’t return my phone calls either!

I’m just not digging Flash’s costume. I don’t get it.

Remind us again who created the current and enduring look of the smartphone again?

I appreciate Ms. Dagg’s comments; she spoke the truth. It’s sad that a grown women would use “I’m pregnant” after the fact (of her ass-whoppin’) to try to get revenge on someone on the person that “she” attacked first! Ms. Dagg was defending herself, and I don’t believe that she knew the racist person was pregnant (if

When a chick responds to your tirade by CALMLY taking off her shoes it means she ready and you need to run.

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

Lmfao! I love how even the hotel workers started to intercede and then were like, meh, she’s got this. I’m pretty sure, if I’m hearing it right, the person taking the video offered it up to the police, which is good. Between being threatened to be shot in the face and then the racist getting physical first I don’t

Trump doesn’t play by your grammatical “rules” or conventional “speleeng”. He’s creating the new gramur standurds for the 21st centoory. Making, a merica “great” ounce more!

Is it an unpopular opinion to say that The Defenders was a huge let down?
It had fun moments, but it never leaned into the absurdity of Super heroes vs Ancient ninjas, which at some point you have to.