
One of my closest friends has, for 20+ years, been hearing “Oh wow you can skateboard?” and “Oh wow YOU like Sonic Youth?!!!!” Yeah he’s black.

You like basketball?

With great superpowers comes great YouTube personality responsibilities.

I’m sure they aren’t planning to kill Apple Pay... why would they?

How has Apple hurt you? Apple has never claimed to be first to anything unless they actually were. I’m sorry they’re better at marketing than whichever company’s phone you own.

Apple doesn’t generally tout new technology as something that they invented or unique to them unless it is true - e.g. first x64 bit CPU in a SmartPhone. Typically Apple is slow to adopt technology until there is a reasonable, reliable use for it. For example, NFC wasn’t adopted until Apple Pay was devised and

I’m just waiting for the comments saying Android already made an Android phone 25% faster than the fastest Android phone because the new Samsung GalaxPlode II is 25% faster than itself infinity!

This is bad bad bad terrible advice.

You win best observation of the day!

And his gun needs to be the size of a buick.

Can’t see his feet, so they are staying true to the leifeld program.

Needs bigger shoulder pads.

If facts and common sense don’t work in proving to his supporters how horrible he is, I’m just going to keep at it with the berating and insulting. Coddling these idiots likely contributed to us having gotten here. Can we pretend it’s just tough love?

These diabolical, dick-shrinking motherfuckers and their zest for kung fu treachery.

unemployement is at a 16 year low....... isnt that when the gop came into power last and fucked everything up?

Consider the Carrier deal and you’ll quickly realize Trump didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t consider it remotely an accomplishment until US citizens have been hired to work.

That’s if you’re talking screen time dedicated to *each* character. Split it up by groups, and I’m sure it’ll balance out.

Or even Claire Voyant!

Bring it.

“If we’ve learned anything about Trump supporters it’s that they believe every word uttered by their disgusting, pedophile, rapist leader says.” Really? People wonder why his win was a surprise, when you pretty much write off half the country as racist inbreds. Romney wrote off half the country, look what it got