
It sounds like they’re being sued over the Taptic Engine, not 3D Touch. They’re not the same thing.

The problem with the patent office is that they let people patent ideas. Ideas are cheap. Ideas are easy. Ideas are plentiful. Ideas are practically worthless. Unless you can implement them and show a practical use, you shouldn’t be allowed to patent them or the patent should expire after a very limited time.

I loved “Ant Man”, thought it was great. I don’t think their formula is getting ‘stale’, I think everyone’s expectations are getting bigger.

Ummm, lets hold that excitement until AFTER we actually see one. Superman v Batman still looks bad (and I am going to have a hard time getting past Affleck). Suicide Squad could go either way. Wonder Woman is still too much of an unknown quantity as a film.

The extended version adds some nice background to several characters, also.

Not exactly. I mean they do have a show that is essentially top 40 (especially since they are doing their “top songs of 2015” thing right now), but most of their DJs actually play the stuff they just like to listen to. For instance, Elton John has his own show and just plays a ton of stuff from the 70s and 80s that he

Sharon probably-Carter - Emily Van Camp - is actually here with Martin Freeman (who still may be Everett Ross) for a split second as Cap and Falcon see their weapons marched past them.

The real question is: where’s this guy??

The prequels pretty much lurched from one catastrophic narrative blunder to the next.

Same with me. Phantom Menace can be boring, but in Clones the wheels just come off completely every time Anakin and Padme are in the same scene.

Yes, it’s a catastrophic narrative blunder.

These are not the Jedi Council budget credits you are looking for...

Did I miss a meeting or something? I thought Phantom Menace was widely considered the worst. Not trying to be snarky, just that I’d never heard AotC being referred to as the worst Star Wars film until now.

Remember how they all just barge in on Shmi Skywalker? Qui Gon basically tells her “your son was kind enough to invite us into your home. So here we are.” Two jedi’s, a Gungan, a girl and an astromech droid, just invading that poor lady’s modest home. Because the little kid said it was ok. Class act, Qui Gon!

Now playing

Maybe because Attack of the Clones has Darth Vader whining about how much he hates sand?

Yeah not in the US so nothing I can get on Roku I can’t get on AppleTV or easily cast to the AppleTV. (Cast seems to be the vernacular in our household though, weirdly enough.)

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

you hit the nail on the head - no Williams, no genie