
Wanna bet they implement it via Continuity or new HW this fall?

I totally lost my shit when this happened. Crash Bandicoot was such a big part of my childhood and I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time I played. I also loved the jabs about it taking forever to load and how people just want their games to be instantaneous.

“...bigoted ambulance chasing scream machine...”

Pamela Anderson will be my running mate. She’s very, very beautiful, she’s huge, it’s amazing how qualified she is. Well, she used to be more huge, but she’s still pretty big. And she’s beautiful, so she must be amazingly smart, like Sarah Palin who endorsed me and has the best eyesight since she can see Russia. And

Trump is a dangerous idiot, and it will be both a tragedy of immense proportions and a scathing indictment on the sanity of American citizens and the American political system if he wins the Presidency, but I’m pretty sure it was the Clintons who went to his wedding, and not the other way around.

We here on the internet thank you for your copy-and-paste response.

Seriously, that is about the most perfect cosplay I’ve ever seen. Dayum.

Not even lying or being facetious when my first thought was “Okay, these are good reference screenshots from the game, but where’s the cosplay to compare?”

Aren’t Scarlet Witch’s powers some sort of magic?

Damn. I like it.

Yeah, but that’s because Rey, Finn, and Poe are great characters played by likable, charismatic actors. You want to see more of them, even in standalone films. The “universe” alone isn’t the big draw.

Two things:

I have a hard time believing that a significant number of those 51% were actually informed about the importance of encryption and the perils of back-door access by the government (tee hee), and were rather more of a “terrorists bad, Apple must help good guys fight bad guys let’s waterboard those phones” knee-jerk

Quit saying most American’s. The survey was 1,000 people. 1000!! 520 are with the FBI. This is such a shitty sample size I can’t even take it. And that is also assuming that 1000 people knew more than “Do you think Apple should help the FBI break into a TERRORIST’S!!! Phone?” If people knew what was at stake I think

Most Americans are stupid and can’t appreciate the repurcussions that this would have. All they hear is “terrorist” and they are willing to give up whatever rights they need to to bust him. Good on Apple and Facebook for standing up to this over-reaching.

I’ve not the first problem with personal firearm ownership for home defense, hunting, or target shooting (note: none of these pursuits require assault weapon ownership; I have a huge issue with assault weapons as a whole).

I do, however, have a serious issue with defining an entire nation through firearm ownership.