
I genuinely believe that Ted Cruz is smart enough to know this is wrong but is cynical enough to say it anyway, which is very much more depressing.

"And he's conflating a hatred with anything Obama stands for with a hatred for this particular stance, which is a rational and potentially bipartisan solution to a problem that affects everyone across the aisle"

Yikes - I just saw a silver Moto in Worst Buy today. That is one honking LARGE watch — a Flava Flav special. Pass...

it'll never work. Human hands are too clumsy and coarse. WE need fine tune adjustments and it requires a tool like the mouse to make it happen

The keyboard is the fastest when I know exactly what I want.

Does the gold one come with its own tracksuit?

I wonder just how much money from this game's budget went to paying off royalties...

Strategic and role playing games are much more stimulating than Lumosity. Did you make a plan of attack before you started playing a Lumosity game? Or did you just watch the screen and react? Those kids playing Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, or other type of RPGs, conscious of it or not, are analyzing all sorts of

Some video games*

You got suckered bro. I know this other site called freecreditreport.com you might be interested in.

For the record, it's more like, "Oh crap! the world needs an authoritative take on an important development in the world of icon design, and I need to write it!"

But they're so clean! Clean trash icon... what a juxtaposition!

It ends tragically with chocolate.

if this ends with the freaking dog dying, or waiting for his master to come home from the hospital aftr having a heart attack , i will never forgive Disney. They already sucker-punched my balls with Up and Toy Story 3, and i'm just now getting ready to trust again.

Most apps get launched on the iOS platform first. There are very few examples of good apps that never make it to iOS. I can't think of one. Given that apps are what you use on a tablet, that is a huge deal. Maybe you like to spend your time customizing the icons, but for most people iOS allows them to "do a lot more".

Do a lot more? Android tablets don't have a third of the apps I use on my iPad, and only a few alternatives in terms of equivalent functionality, except those on Android are buggy and ugly and sometimes come with malware.

I could never justify spending 400 dollars on a tablet and not buying an iPad.