
Yay for the main character being a person of colour, I think the last Native American protagonist in a AAA game was the lead in Prey. I'm surprised they didn't use the story of the two wolves in this game, as it would have fit in so perfectly with the theme of duality.

I agree. It had some early hitches, but it's been smooth and reliable for a while now. I use Apple Maps and Google Maps interchangeably and can't really say one works better than the other. I've had them both screw up, but I'd also say they both do exactly what I want about 99.9% of the time.

This isn't new - you act like that's a reason to trash on Apple, but the company practically much coined the phrase "incremental updates." It's what they do and have always done with both hardware and software.

Can't the same thing be said about Android updates?

I use Apple maps all the time on road trips and getting to places around town I haven't been to before, have had zero problems. Stop trying to bash a product that works fine ...It's not going to happen :)

I hear what you are saying but as an android user can you tell me the difference between Ics and kitkat?..... Exactly.

Call me crazy (and I'm sure someone will), but I like iOS Maps. Is it perfect? No. Neither is Google Maps or any other application. While there are some legitimate complaints, I think the faults are largely overplayed by the media, including Gizmodo, as well as by people who don't even use iOS, but enjoy bad press

Without all of the PC bugs.

I really loved this game but I don't want to play it again just for a graphical bump. Make it $20-30 with added content then we'll talk.

For everyone who dislikes"big government" (or what have you) we could really use a better big government. I mean we can't even design a website because of how hard it is to correctly contract IT services. And look at that trillion dollar f-35 fiasco. Everyone focuses on government being too big or bs like that, really

Best. Console commercial. Ever.

Now playing

Nothing Sony makes will ever top this one.

Series? There is no series.

I've only ever used it on airplanes (grrrr…) and traveling abroad (hmmm…), but I realize everybody's different. One man's Airplane mode is another man's Do Not Disturb.

I don't know squat about coding so bear with me- in the HTML box on the left, the whole bottom of that is all letters and numbers, seemingly random. There's a shitload of it. Who writes all that and what does it all mean??

Then explain THIS.

Annnnnddd... I still won't use it

They should use this technology in cars. When an asshole bumps into you and drives off, you receive their information and inform their insurance company.

Is that the coolest way? I thought the bump thing died in like 2009.

People are forgetting that device activation is now tied to the Apple ID in iOS 7.0. Even if you manage to get a hold of someone's iOS device and perform a full wipe, it will not activate until you enter in the last Apple ID credentials that was used on the device. It was designed to deter theft, so I'd like to see