
@Ryan Meehan: As the old adage goes, "You never know what you've got 'till it's gone".

Is it just me or do the avatars in that (clearly Photoshopped) screenshot of the raft game have on the same clothes as the models? Either the players dressed their dashboard avatars to match them before they started playing or Microsoft is suggesting that Kinect will be able to render what we're wearing onto the

@MrSnuffles: At least they showed someone playing a game sitting down.

Lebron was good but he's only getting worse.

No doubt Uncharted 2 had an impact on this game from the new character model to the cinematic battle sequences.

@2NinjasTapedTogether: No doubt. Netflix is a much better offer. My point is that bundling Hulu versus paying separately for Hulu is no different than Netflix.

I have this moronic thing I do it's called "thinking".

While I may not want everything they're offering for free the PSN+ subscription is actually looking pretty good.

@Kitradu: I co-sign that. While I am interested in PSN+ the value of it probably won't show its face for another 3 months. Of course buying now gets you 3 free months so it might be worth it.

@Gray Harvest: Or how about House of the Dead where you use a shovel to bury downed zombies?

If Jimmy keeps this up I might actually watch his show.

I have many questions.

@SuperMary: Your logic is sound and you raise an interesting point in the preparedness of both technologies and I would argue that Microsoft is actually less prepared than Sony.

@SuperMary: Actually, Move will have 30+ games (or current games getting Move support) ready this year. The only 3 titles (that were announced) not coming this year is Killzone 3, Heroes On The Move and this game.

They'll have to get clever about tracking feet but otherwise there's no reason this game can't be ported over. Sony doesn't really talk about the Eye's accuracy or lack thereof so there's you never know. They might be able to get the game to work without using the Move wands at all.

@badasscat: Kinect has that "oh and ah" feature that Move doesn't.

I actually thought it went pretty well. The raft game avatars did look pretty bad but overall I think it was a pretty good showing for Kudo and Kinect.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I hate to keep dragging this out but you must not visit this site that often. There've been nothing but praise report after praise report for Kinect ever since E3. Meanwhile Move has barely been mentioned since the expo.

@QualityJeverage: Most ingenious scene in the movie. Most ingenious comment of the day.