
@sofong: They've never given an exact date before so I think the unicorn that is GT5 will actually be a reality come November.

Killzone 3, Medal of Honor, GT5 and inFamous 2.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I've had a slight change of heart regarding Kinect but not for the reasons that you're citing.

A couple things.

So the technology with "The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout" as a launch title is better than anything Move has to offer?

@ProsumeThis: It's all a conspiracy to hate Sony as much as possible because they were so dominant during the PS2 days.

@Bard of Awen: To Gizmodo: replace the feature article with this.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Sorry, but walking around a car, closing the door and sitting down in the seat (although you don't "actually" sit down and you're not "actually walking" around the car) should not be considered an experience for the hard core gamer. Driving with your hands is even less of a hard core

@SewerShark: When you go multiplayer there's no way to stop people from pwning you. Probably why I don't get on that much.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Unless you're going to say the same thing about Kinect then I can respect your opinion. The whole motion control thing is a bit out of control.

@SewerShark: Head tracking would be interesting to see but using motion to throw grenades smells like the epic fail that was SIXAXIS free-throws in NBA2K. And while it could work it's far from a game changing application.

@Stoli: Kinect Kool Aid must taste good.

Here's hoping that we'll see similar enthusiastic stories about Playstation Move so we get a fair and balanced report on both systems.

@SillyHalfMexican: The problem with OnLive is that it can't afford to have hiccups or lag. It has to work from day one.

I'm still waiting to be impressed by Kinect and if learning to dance is the best it has to offer then I'll pass.

@AdamW: My point really is just that Kinect was supposed to be the second coming of motion control and instead it just looks like stuff you could get on the PS2's EyeToy.

@AdamW: No, but the avatars are not the point of the game, the music is. When you don't hit that button at just the right time the song suffers to prompt you that you suck. Here you can keep moving as awkwardly as you want but the avatars (the central focus of the game since the camera never moves away from them) keep

@Phi101: I'm not saying the avatars should move just like you but it would've been better if your movements had an impact on how well the dancers in the game performed.

So you're not actually controlling the dancers on screen you just copy their moves and hope to get a high score at the end I guess, right?

@xsbs: When you "theirs is actually good" are you referring to the PS3 or Kinect?