
Please, please let there be a Norovirus outbreak!!!

I walked out of the theater liking the way they left it at the end of IM3. Nobody walked out of the theaters thinking, “Boy what a great idea it was to bring the Mandarin into another movie!”

I’d be laughing with you if that were the case and end of the story, but it will only cause many immigrants, documented or undocumented, to avoid the census entirely. This would depress the number of House seats in places that would tend to be pro-immigrant, and reduce the share of federal funding that should go back

I knew her in school and she adores being a follower of powerful people. She is a remora.

“Almost a Man”... read like he was referring to being almost human and not    a grown man as Jon was getting at. 

I don’t like the new Colonel Sanders. 

I’d encourage anyone to do their research on instructors and schools for any art. It’s your kid’s time and your money, so make sure you get what you pay for, whether it is for self confidence, exercise, practical self defense, competition, or some combination of any of those beforehand. There are a lot of standup

I do the same. They’re cheap and do the job. Plus they have all the other uses you described, but I most often use them to keep toothbrushes clean.

Night guards also make for excellent mouth guards for Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I never found a boil and bite mouthguard that I liked and broke down to spend the money on a night guard. Fortunately, my insurance covered part of the cost.

A small handed, petty creature promises a book that he will never write for similar people who don’t read, and use as a platform to attack everyone who opposed him.  

Why? He’s never shown any self awareness or identity except to use it as a shield to continue depriving other people of their humanity and rights. He has fully embraced the Fourth Reich in all but name. Let history decide on which side he belongs to. In the meantime, let him reap what he has sown.

Please someone make a looping gif of this!

I saw it last night at a preview screening and thought it was a significant improvement over the first version, which is a childhood favorite of mine. I appreciate this review, especially re the unnecessary mist that was everywhere (isn’t that another horror movie?), even if I disagree with its conclusion. The new Pet

This is an incredible read. Thank you for sharing this strange and frightening experience with eloquence. I wish you good health ahead!

This is a strangely engrossing read.

We have never been good to anyone in this country except for the very privileged.

After I read your comment, this appeared on my Twitter feed. 

My theory is that Section 31 debuted unnamed in the ToS film, “Undiscovered Country,” as the conspiracy of Starfleet officers who wanted the Federation-Klingon Cold War to continue.

The best thing about that show was the occasional visit by Jeffrey Combs.

He’d have to enter puberty first.