
Her brother is Travis Ikeguchi?

What Tech said captured it best (paraphrased): “Just because I understand you doesn’t mean I approve of you.” I think this also says a lot about the world we live in now where fanatically held beliefs that lead to cruel and unjust results are justified—often by people that we thought we knew.

I’ll hide the good silverware.

Other action film franchises featuring male actors are very similar. The good guy just shakes it off. This film is no different.

Yep. Unless he fell down an elevator shaft, got decapitated, and then everyone talked about it afterward, Ze Leaper will return.

Please let that store be called “The Axorium”!

For continuity’s sake, it would be better to recast Cara Dune. Any ideas/suggestions?

There’s always a market for runner/tech fiends. (Not me.)

These are horror stories for sure, but they’re anecdotal and don’t represent the vast majority of cases. There will always be a small, difficult group of people to rehabilitate, but if you look at our country’s vast prison complex compared to other countries ours stands out. Only China has recently surpassed the U.S.

I think once vaccines are widely available there will also be the issue of dealing with pet anxiety when people are able to circulate freely again. I worry that pet owners may surrender their pets because they don’t want to spend the extra time helping their new family member get acclimated. Interestingly, this might

Going to shelters where I live is tricky during the pandemic. Fortunately, our local shelter does have an online system to make appointments to meet dogs or cats, which varies from across the country. There are also rescues that are breed specific. Check them out, but be wary of so-called rescues that charge a high

Yeah, also identity theft, I followed a Petfinder link that took me to an online form by the “rescue” that asked for my address, drivers license #, social security, and credit card # for the application fee.

Also, you can also bet that law enforcement will game the data they collect on all crimes and blame it on this policy and the reduction of sworn officers.

I have a collection of old devices and wondered if you could write or update an article on ways to safely dispose of old HDDs--securely to make sure that the data is not stolen.

I knew her. We went to college together. I can’t say I kept in touch with her, but she was a smarmy, elitist, social climber back then. The kind of person who’d start going into a speech in a one-on-one conversation (making me look around to see if she was speaking to anyone else) and incapable of listening or having

Hopefully Pedro Pascal’s experience with the Beskar spear carries over to Djin Djarin, except this time he will hopefully not pull an Oberyn Martell.

Yes, those are blue macarons! Macarons are now officially part of the SW canon.

Maya Rudolph needs in on this show as Jo’s (the only properly named townsperson with the detonator) Aunt so we can see more of them and the Weequay bartender named... “Weequay.”

The Reformed Church of Lolth is very progressive.

Hoping that Disney+ scoops them up.