
This is an exceptionally well-written essay/review. Thank you.

He pretended to be an Asian to up his resume to get paid work. This is akin to a man pretending to be a woman writing from a woman’s perspective to get paid work. There are good writers out there. If you’re good stand by who you are and write from what you know. Faking an experience you do not have to get a job and to

If only there were consequences for mistreating guests. Arya Stark style.

We have been mistreating guests and there should be consequences.

Take your Star and go!

I am totally Ok with Vera Farmiga Super Villain. 

As do I. It seems tied to Paramount and JJ Abrams as part of Hasbro’s push to make films from their IPs. To my knowledge only the Dungeons & Dragons film is making any headway as the others including the Micronauts seem trapped in Limbo aka Development Hell. 

I really enjoyed Exiles. It was well-written.

He may not be a cross burning, goose stepping lunatic, but he used his fake identity to elevate himself above other qualified candidates. Let’s put him on the continuum of doing racist things.

It shouldn’t be up to him. It should come from the company. Marvel should fire him.

I agree on Thanos’ raw power, but Dr. Strange seems to be able to teleport anywhere he’s aware of—though it would be anticlimactic as hell—and he was the best informed on how to deal with it as an artifact.

/using the Force

This is brilliant journalism.

No gasps, but the longest silence after a Marvel film I’ve ever seen on a preview or premiere night. (Yes, one of the above for me.) Still trying to gird myself for a second viewing on Sunday or Monday.

Speaking as someone who grew up appreciating the folklore of dragons, Kanye and that bloviating orange bag of ugly suits have more in common with a house goblin and a vaguely sentient pool of horse diarrhea, respectively.

I’m hoping Anker decides to support this product. A few years ago I ordered the AnkerCam, their first foray into home security cameras and it worked relatively well. The user interface to access recordings was crude compared to the Nest, but it worked until Anker dropped support for it without much of an explanation.

I’m hoping Anker decides to support this product. A few years ago I ordered the AnkerCam, their first foray into

Won’t they ever learn? These things never work.

A fair portion of ppl who take it are those who have to take drug tests for work or as a court ordered program. The mystery cocktail is a way to avoid getting popped on drug tests that look for the official Class 1 drugs.

It’s never going to happen, but along the lines you described, it might be interesting to explore the late stage Empire looking at renewing their cloning work and have Iden as the unwitting template of a new series of clone troopers.

Great tips. Sharing it. Also another vote to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It’s a different kind of workout.