
My take on the email issue: The Old Republic and the Galactic Empire have competing private telecommunications industries on every planet and Dark Sun Galactic is the sole provider of planet-to-planet email with exorbitant user charges. If you are behind on your payments, they fine/double the charge each quantum

Are there any figures on how many users the password manager apps have? I tried to explain password managers to friends and family—my success rate is 1 out of 10 at best. :-/

Also: See Imperial Japan and before them Imperial China.

I think “DC” in this case may stand for “Didn’t Check.”

Now playing

Never forget the Evil Turkish Spider-Man.

The legal marijuana business is looking very closely at vaping. It’s happened on an informal level. I think what concerns them is the quality of these devices. A lot of fly-by-night companies opened shop in China to crank these things out and quality control for cheaply made, new products with batteries is a fire

Very true about the “juice” products in vaping. Not sure what you mean by “distilled” though. They sell them in small bottles that kids have managed to ingest. Childproofing makes sense since we already do that for pretty much any pill.

Congratulations! I hope you ditch those things soon. A crutch is still a crutch.

I’ve had two near automobile accidents with drivers fumbling with these things. They are so intent on figuring out how to “start” or otherwise “adjust” the damned things—when they’re probably used to just lighting up a cigarette—they lose sight of the fact that “Hey, I’m in a car and behind the wheel of a 2,000 lb.

Standing in line or otherwise waiting at the Department of Motor Vehicles is a proven way to put the brakes on one’s perception of time.

More like a cold grave.

I'd like to propose an NBA Expansion Team utilizing these very colors.

I've said this before on similar forums: On a day your city is being invaded by aliens, maybe you should not take the family out to the museum?

It's been a couple of years since your post about your use of a GoPro Hero 3 Black as a dash cam. How did out turn out?

I live in the US and want to know where is the best price for a good, folding table. I'm talking about those long tables that can seat least five people on either side. Thanks Gentle Readers.

It may also be a case where people expect you to be available for them at certain times and maybe you can't because you are working out or recovering from working out. Perhaps even thinking of skipping that night of bar hopping because you need to wake up early the next day to get a workout in. Those people are still

I am not sure that I am comfortable with the term "homebuilt" and "submarine" used in the same sentence.

Not working for me. :-(

Not working for me. :-(

I think the conversation diverted into a tangent, but yeah, I was on point about the conversation too since it was pretty clear that Vader was the go-to person for hunting down the remaining Jedi.