
Opinions will vary on the "best", but I think we can all agree that the Elan M100 was pure rat puke:

Of course, your chances of actually getting anywhere near 80 once you're north of Fredericksburg on 95 are about zilch.

3.) The "Expert"

This hits all the triggers:

- Someone else's project

"cheap", "project" and "Ferrari" do not belong in the same sentence.

Jag Mark 2

This makes perfect sense if you're Lockheed Martin. Build the most ridiculously sensitive plane you can, charge an outrageous purchase price, then rake in billions on spares and upgrades.

It's unfortunately turning into a bit of a maybe they will, maybe they won't situation.


Meh. Throw on a Cobb shifter - problem solved, bro.

Monte Carlo seems like a natural choice.

I can hear the suspension creaking from here. CP.

Now if they'd just kill the F35...

Meh. Not like there aren't a million more replicas.

I like it - USNA colors. Fly Navy!

Pffft. Handbags at 20 paces.

The scourge of white-on-white violence continues unabated. When is the white community going to address this?

This guy wins.

Malaise Era British/French/American car? What could possibly go wrong?

Guess they needed something to spice things up. I'm sorry, NASCAR is boring as hell unless it's on a road course like the Glen.