The funny thing is, it's nothing more than a very expensive circle-jerk for Snyder. The team has sucked so much during Snyder's ownership that fans just tune it all out.
As a life-long resident of the DC area, I have to say I'm surprised how little money he actually owes.
Not sure where you're finding sub-$20K E28 M5s, but if you did it probably needs a LOT of work.
OK, what exactly constitutes "excessive vibration" on a Harley? Are they ALL being recalled?
God I hate repliCobras.
That is all.
Somebody has way too much money and not enough taste.
Can't say I've ever really had one, because I learned at the feet of a master: my dad.
You are in control. If you think you're being screwed, get up and walk out.
Just wait until the E30 M3 Sport Evo hits the US market.
So the 500L reverts to a standard 500?
Meh. Apart from the (rather gimmicky) engine mounts, there's nothing here that you can't find elsewhere. It took them ten years for this?
Big SLOW painting on the road, ignored. Not enough lean, followed by "oh shit" target fixation.
Car or cliff? Cliff.
I'm thinking a larger customer with cash in hand wanted to bump up their delivery schedule.