
Boldly going where Eclipse went ten years ago.

Hangar Queen

Choo Choo, bitchez

Way too Lamborghini

Some of them aren't all that good

Sweet phone, bra.

Miss me yet?

Ooops, my mistake. Used to jump out of Porters, so it's ingrained.

Pilatus Porter with a copilot versus a solo in an A36 Bonanza?

This is a helluva lot more impressive than Amelia Earhart's stunt a few weeks ago.

Exactly. Moore wasn't railing against wealth, he was railing against its misuse. This is an exceedingly dumb article.

Because I'm not leaving anyone a goddamned penny.

Flew out of there quite a bit in the mid-70s when I was at Hellenic International School. Sigh.

I don't think anyone is questioning the necessity, just the methodology.

I have an opinion. Clearly, you do too.

It looks like something built entirely with parts out the JC Whitney catalog, put together by blind amputees.

Yes, I'm having a hard time generating sympathy for them. You know how many really prime cars I had to forego in the 80s? I mean take your chances, but this is the downside of getting caught.

Hard for me to feel any sympathy. Some of these douchenozzles are paying six figures and driving the market upwards with illegal cars. Nantucket is absolutely chock-full of curiously new-looking Defenders.

Good to see Poirot back on the job.

I'm pretty happy with mine.