Not sure I get the comparison here. The C7 is basically a street-legal track car, whereas the M3/M4 is a performance cruiser. They're very different cars, IMO.
These are factory options:
Porsche Lightweight Paneling Option: $25,000
Even cooler: the commissioning Captain is James Kirk…
"It's the whole package here. It's the beautiful midwestern summer day, and the elevation change, and the different composition of the track — lots of concrete patches and asphalt — and it's really challenging to get a good setup because it's got some challenging conditions.
I met a guy who ferried a Porter from Australia to the US (west-bound).
This really doesn't seem like such a big deal. A Pilatus PC12 isn't exactly roughing it.
A Pilatus Porter, now we're talking.
No, just valve adjustments. You have to keep an eye on the VANOS, though.
Oh, and the rod bearings.
OK, here goes:
The one big point is that the dealership companies themselves (and their wealthy, caviar-swilling owners) do pay a lot in taxes that, at least in part, goes directly to the local area for schools, city services, county-wide pizza parties, whatever. That is an important point, and if the automakers own everything, that…