
It’s all Wlad’s neighbour’s fault, the guy that was in the Funbag this week.

I wasn’t surprised either. The part of the article speculating that Turk’s were upset the Ankara bombing didn’t get as much attention was laughable. Most Turk’s don’t even care about the Ankara or Suruc bombings because the majority of those killed were Kurds or at the very least members of opposition parties. Both

What country do you think is letting the most foreign fighters pass through its border on their way to join ISIS in Syria? Do people think that is just a coincidence or an oversight on their part? They have troops on the border to keep ISIS out but they allow ranks of people flow through to go join them? Explain that

The fans booed the Paris moment of silence because Turkey is not the country Westerners think it is or want it to be. Turkey has become deeply conservative and Islamist under Erdogan and it is hurting our war on ISIS, thanks to its horrible actions against the Kurds.

This article’s description of the Kurds’ actions in

Why show solidarity with Turkey for the Ankara attack when that was either orchestrated by or allowed to happen by the Turkish government. I show my solidarity with the Kurds, the only folks in that region with any goddamned sense.

The attempts by authors (such as the one of the articles that Billy quoted) to equate bad deeds by omission as justification for bad behavior now is complete and total bullshit. Should there have been moment of silences or ability to change your FB photo to show solidarity with Turkey after the Ankara attack or

Not only could fans have been hurt upon exit, but the panic that could have resulted from calling the game and evacuating could very well have led to a stampede/crush situation and that is all to familiar a risk at soccer venues. They made the right call.

I sort of like a world where Duke gets the shaft from the refs.

Now we know why Urban Meyer was so hesistant when handing the keys to the offense over to Barrett.

My best friend is a Mich alum. He described it as “dancing with the love of your life after proposing after which they are promptly decapitated by a sheet of flying glass.”

Nobody is forcing anything on anyone, they’re offering $200 if you sign it. Did you read the article?

In this case, though, you’re not being forced to sign away your right to sue, you're being PAID to sign away your right to sue. Quite different situation.

When Walford was asked what he would have done differently in the match, he said “Depends...”

That fucking little girl that kicked him at the end is what really pissed me off.

Funny, that’s not what he’s saying in the version I saw:

As someone that actually drives one of these things let me say that compared to a Dodge Neon (which it shares many parts with) or other cheap crappy little commuter car of the era. I look at my 2001 LE I’ve had for 6 years and only paid $4k for (with only 40k on the clock at the time ... just turned over 106 recently)

Goddamnit. I’m going to be the only person to defend these pieces of shit, but I am falling on that grenade.