
Barber: What kind of look are you going for, bud?

Bonus GIF

That's wiper fluid. I wouldn't drink it.

I would have expected him to be wearing a Red Sox cap, what with everyone getting B-headed.

"I don't like my intelligence insulted by telling me this is the Detroit Tigers."

Not bad, but it's worth referencing that Gizmodo already covered the uber-ultimate Facebook creepy-troll tactic, courtesy of legendary Ryan Roy:

You know...it seems incredibly fitting that this is the way the 2014 NFL season ends.

You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a Penn State fan.

Honestly that was the only part of this article I cared about.

this is why models are bad. Because I'm looking at this picture, REALLY hard, but I don't see a car.

I hope they do this to Kobe later just to see him go for a furious 42 point night on 17-48 shooting.

Tyson is handicapped. They shouldn've hit select before the first round (you can tell from Doc's arm moving faster than normal and the life bar depleting). Gotta save that for the second round if you want more energy, but I'd always decline as it takes away some of your offensive fire power.

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

Best Klans In Baseball

Well, the Trojan is broken, but at least he pulled the little guy out in time.

What do we pour on people for concussion awareness?

To understand this article, I had to find the "Poker Slang Terminology" book that I stuffed between my Coldplay CD, Livestrong bracelet and other things I lost from 2004.

The fact that you, Tom Ley, find this funny is more disgusting and sad than the actual fight/attack. It's beyond infantile or sophomoric, it borders on having a mental illness. These are young girls who clearly have a lot of issues, none of which are funny in the least. The girl who was hit with the shovel could very