The Voice of Harold Montgomery

Vegas will have more leverage to make a trade with Howard than the Wings do; because the offer comes with the threat of picking somebody off the unprotected list.

I think Vegas will take a lot of goaltenders and flip some of them for other players. And Howard is a more attractive trade target than Mrazek because of his contact status.

Couple of reasons. Howard is the better goaltender, at least when he’s healthy; and Mrazek is an RFA the end of the season. Do you really want to tie your rebuild to somebody you don’t have under contract, considering the last negotiation went badly?

That’s the toughest penalty for self-abuse I’ve seen since Fr. O’Brian gave me three rosaries as penance.

Is it really level 2; considering the current, in-production version doesn’t support hands-free steering?

When does something become that thing?

Something I learned this week. Funeral homes used to provide ambulance services.

It all went south for him when he cut his mullet.

Just you.


The South didn’t need to use slave labor and could have abolished it. They were NEVER in the foreseeable future going to abolish slave labor. In fact, many historians and economists say slavery is the reason the United States was able to grow into a world power so incredibly fast.”

The 50/50 raffle jackpot ended at $336,995.

A large chunk of USA Hockey’s budget comes from membership fees; which are mandatory if you want to play, coach, officiate, or manage a team in a USA Hockey sanctioned league or tournament.

For historical perspective:

They got a lot of best pictures wrong in the ‘90s. Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line, Braveheart over Apollo 13, Forrest Gump over Pulp Fiction, The Silence of the Lambs over Beauty and the Beast, Driving Miss Daisy over Field of Dreams.

There are, including the ‘Yotes rink; 11 ice arenas in Arizona. Contrast that with about 30 in Florida, and 9 in Nevada. Here’s the list in Minnesota

The age of consent in Georgia is 16; there’s no close-in-age exception. However, if the offender is under 19, and there is less than 4 years age difference, the charge is a misdemeanor.

“Doesn’t this just screw over smaller companies in the long run?”